I will probably explain my current state in my journal later, once I have my thoughts collected but for now.. you will have to talk to me in person. Because.. well.... you'll have to ask.
ARGHH And on top of all this which you would have to ask in person..... I'M MISSING THE NORTHWEST STUDIO SUMMIT!
Which if you don't know about, every studio owner... Read More
What do you do when things are really fucked and you don't want to ask for help because you care so much for your friends and loved ones that you don't want them to worry.
*Please note this is not a self-destructive thing*
That is a command!
So i figure if I start updating more, maybe people will actually post in my journal. Considering Kitten (My girl) post infrequently and has Much more posts than I do more often I can only conclude that I need boobs, wait no, need to be more interesting....hmm that's not it. I donno.
I'm... Read More
I wish you could come up for the show! Oh, well. I hope the money situation works out for you. I've been working on that myself, and am just now coming out of a broke-ass slump. Ugh.
The Dollz will be doing an extended tour down the W. Coast starting in Dec, so maybe you'll catch us then. We may even play in Seattle, who knows?
I met much portland people yesterday, And am very glad to be in contact with them now. As well as much Californians and a new canadian. All while being very drunk. So I had a good time and it sounds like tonight might repet it. Lord...... I need to recuperate
Working on sunday, ughh. Anyways Life has been good and bad lately for mutliple reasons. Thank you for everyone who has been responsible for the good. The bad is mostly self issues and whatnot. I'll try and be a little more detailed later but at the moment my life is kinda throwing me for a loop.
Until next time :meow:
yo, i adore hokum hall. you got me all wrong I'm not talking shit at all. i admit i was disappointed about not having something there I'd be more enthusiastic about seeing while I'm in town but really that's the extent of my bummer. I was just clownin'. that place rocks
Ok so I know i'm not doing the whole update thing, I still see all yall regularly enough.
So I got an email for a freelance gig today YEAH! I'm not a worthless AIS throwaway graduate I'm doing....stuff. Any ways. makes me happy.
Kitten and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversery (Can't Spell) this sunday. We met on Fri the 13th 2 years ago.... Read More
YEAH FOR INTERNET CAFE'S I now have a wireless acess spot, for free! So I might actually be able to update every once in a while. I am now an alumni of The AIS Makes me very happy. Oh BTW WHERE WERE ALL OF YOU AT PORTFOLIO! Kammi had the best of show, in THE WHOLE SCHOOL! I did alright, I had DDR at my... Read More
Sorry for the late update, I have been busy with my portfolio. I have to get two projects done in a week, I'm getting there though, I found out that there are jobs, from my exit interview, But I will most likely end up wearing a suit, I kid actually, I like wearing suits, I look good in them. So for the sake of money... Read More
Hmm I need to update,
So I'm updating.... not much to talk about, life is throwing me curve balls, and I can't catch worth shit. I need to invent some kind of industrial wussy mit for people who can't catch. Maybe that will get my life in order.
Either that is reeking with metaphor, or I need to drink less...
I have come to the decision, RadioHack isn't that bad. Hey access to things to do my evil Bidding, MUAHAHAHAHA.
P.s. Did you know if you charge a capacitor and throw it, it explodes! The size of the cap=size of explodey. Fun fact for the day.
So tommorrow, I go the shack and tell them, you have a position, gimmie now or my cat will... Read More