My precious Boy Rat died last night. Needless to say I was VERY upset. I cried all night. It was the first time I had seen Drew cry. I think thats what broke my heart even more.
Boy Rat is the all white one.

Boy Rat is the all white one.
it's always hard loosing an animal friend
even a little one
i've been there
It's hard to lose our lil friends. Once I actually gave a boa consrtrictor that I was snake-sitting mouth to mouth. I was taking care of it while one of my exes was going to school in Italy. It kept getting pnuemonia and one day I walked in and it was stiff and apparently dead. I freaked out cuz I knew how much she loved Norman and I tried my best to bring that lil guy back to life. Blowing him up like a balloon. It was pretty disgusting. My roommates thought I was nuts. They might have been right...