My boyfriend sucks big time. Last Friday, we were supposed to hang out when he was done work but he forgot. Today we were suppose to hang out so I called him around 6:30pm when I was done work to see if we were still doing something. Apparently we were. I had to go downtown first to get my nipple checked out by the really hot piercer. Everything's fine with my nipple. Anywho, I call my boyfriend around 8:30 but he doesn't want to hang out anymore because 8:30 is too late! Too late? Whatever. Why is my boyfriend such a jerk?
On my way home, I was waiting for the subway, sitting on a bench minding my own business and 2 girls come by. One sits down and all of a sudden shoves me over! I gave her a dirty look and then looked away. A few seconds later, she shoves me over again so I told her off.
I've been having such crappy days the past few ones. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I get to watch a movie with the hot piercer.
On my way home, I was waiting for the subway, sitting on a bench minding my own business and 2 girls come by. One sits down and all of a sudden shoves me over! I gave her a dirty look and then looked away. A few seconds later, she shoves me over again so I told her off.
I've been having such crappy days the past few ones. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I get to watch a movie with the hot piercer.
He asked you out? LOL.
Now that's what I call getting to "check out the merchandise"!
She's just jealous cuz you have hot nipple piercings, & she doesn't.
I love Canada. I grew up in Northern NY, & used to hang out in Canada, cuz the towns I was in were so small there was nothing to do.
(Well, we thought of a few things.....)