I had another photoshoot today. It was really fun. It was with this photographer that I had worked with once before about 4 weeks ago. We did bondage pictures. They should turn out really well. I'll post them sometime next week when I get them back. If you want to see pictures from the photoshoot yesterday please go to tonsecret's journal.
I'm having boy problems kind of. I told you guys about the guy that I was sleeping with who started getting feelings for me well now that's what's happening to me
It's not a bad thing it's just that I don't know how he feels about me. I had the biggest crush on this guy in grade 7 and now those feelings are starting to come back. I think he must kind of like me because he asked me "out" twice this week. I guess I'll see what happens.
I'm having boy problems kind of. I told you guys about the guy that I was sleeping with who started getting feelings for me well now that's what's happening to me


me n my girlfriend started of casual, i think you got to have some sort of feelings if yuor going to casual anyway because your not gonna do that with antone. you may not realise it but its there.....