Someone called the SPCA on me, ME!
ME of all people!
Me, the one whose kitties eat better than I do.
Me, the one who spoils her kitties.
Me, who has better health care for my kitties than I do for MYSELF!
Me, who rescues abused/abandoned kitties!
To make matters worse it looks like it was the girlfriend of the guy that rents the right side of the duplex I live in.
I am trying to think of a discreet way of finding out. I don't want bad blood with the neighbor if it was not his girlfriend.
Words cannot even begin to describe how much my Tiger means to me or how devastated I would be if someone had her taken from me.
As for the pudding:
I sort of made it up adding a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Here's an estimation though:
1.5 C of non dairy creamer or soy creamer
1.5 C of Vanilla soy milk
About 1/3 C of tapioca pearls (minute is fine. If you use the big pearls pre cook them a bit)
1/2 C sugar
3 Tb. coco powder (I also threw in some dark chocolate pieces for good measure)
About 3 Tb Cornstarch
Touch of vanilla
pinch of salt
Mix them all together in a sauce pan and let it all soak for about 5 min.
After soaking, put it on heat and bring it up to a boil stirring constantly. After it comes to a boil take it off the heat. It should thicken as it cools.
Here's the thing, if it's too thin add a bit of cornstarch. If it's too thick add a bit of soymilk.
Then I added cayanne, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and clove to taste. The cayanne is just supposed to leave a little heat in the back of your throat, you don't really taste it.
I had to add a little more sugar to it in the end, so just play around with it.