Any of you drink tea? Do you put cream in it? I was just noticing how if you pour cream in a thin stream slow and steady, when it hits the bottom, you keep pouring, it builds up like ominous clouds. Then, when it hits the top of the tea it is like it can't break the surface (just like that part in Legend where Jack dives in for Lillys ring but then when he tries to come back up he can't break thru). When the cream goes back down it swirls and turns the color of the liquid opaque and the tea is no longer translucent.
It is so incredible. I love tea... all kinds.
The wedding was for my cousin Christine and her now husband Anthony. It was OK. Nothing but the same old stuff. I spent the last five days in hotel rooms, air conditioning, restaurant food and in the car. It was like a break from reality, but not quite. It felt good to get back home.