Sometimes loving someone can bring about the worst pain you can possibly feel in your life. When that happens to someone else it's hard to know what to do or what to say, and you just wish you knew what to do/say. Often there is nothing you can do/say. I guess all I've got is that I hope things improve for my SG buddy who wears her heart on her sleeve.
If it wasn't official before, it is now. I HATE alcoholism. I HATE the fact that some people can't drink without letting it destroy their lives and the lives of the people who love them.
I went to my mother's last night to get some money she owed me from a support check she cashed that was supposed to come to me. I am raising her son, he lives with me, the support is supposed to come to me but things are screwed up with that and it goes from my father to her and not me. So anyways, I went out there to get it because I need it to pay rent. Mind you she lives over an hour away, so that costs a bit in gas as well. Big hassle! When I got there she was drunk off her ass swaggering all over the place spewing obscenities at everyone and yelling at me and cursing me out for my supposed hate for her. I don't hate her, I HATE her drinking. She ended up loosing her balance and falling on me after I tried to explain to her drunken ass boyfriend that I couldnt walk her to her room because if she fell she might fall on me or take me down with her. He of course didn't get it that it would be really bad if she fell on me because of my already bad back. He actually found it funny when she fell on me. She squished me in between her, the chair I was sitting on, and the table. So not good. I'm pretty skinny/small boned, and she is a rather large mass of woman. I have been in massive pain ever since. JOY! Good times.

If it wasn't official before, it is now. I HATE alcoholism. I HATE the fact that some people can't drink without letting it destroy their lives and the lives of the people who love them.
I went to my mother's last night to get some money she owed me from a support check she cashed that was supposed to come to me. I am raising her son, he lives with me, the support is supposed to come to me but things are screwed up with that and it goes from my father to her and not me. So anyways, I went out there to get it because I need it to pay rent. Mind you she lives over an hour away, so that costs a bit in gas as well. Big hassle! When I got there she was drunk off her ass swaggering all over the place spewing obscenities at everyone and yelling at me and cursing me out for my supposed hate for her. I don't hate her, I HATE her drinking. She ended up loosing her balance and falling on me after I tried to explain to her drunken ass boyfriend that I couldnt walk her to her room because if she fell she might fall on me or take me down with her. He of course didn't get it that it would be really bad if she fell on me because of my already bad back. He actually found it funny when she fell on me. She squished me in between her, the chair I was sitting on, and the table. So not good. I'm pretty skinny/small boned, and she is a rather large mass of woman. I have been in massive pain ever since. JOY! Good times.

hope your back is doing better after she fell on you.
oh, it was really nice chatting with you earlier btw... we'll have to do it again sometime.
hope I get to talk to you today.
I love you