Um yeah...
Things are slowing down to the usual crapness that is my life. They were pretty topsy-turvy for a while though. I moved in and am somewhat settled into the new place. My man came to visit for 3 hot weeks. I planned and pulled off my best friend's wedding in less than a month. My cell-a-ma-phone grew some legs and decided it was leaving me unannounced on account of all the crazy conversations it was privy to. I did get a new phone and the internet came to my house as well so that's cool. The list goes on...
Currently I am rather stressed over money and the Holidays. I would say something to the effect of everyone being that way since it is the season for stress and money issues, but I can't help but feel I have it a little harder than some. (Don't worry, my head isn't stuck up my ass, I have taken into account that there are still starving people, homeless, and war torn to name a few.) I'm not whining or even complaining really, just venting.
Fun things:
Thing 1. MY website: will be up and running soon making it easier for people to buy sexy prints of me.
Thing 2. Please comment on my rejected set photos that are posted in my pics if you have not already. I dont care if you hate them; I just want to know your opinions. I am not going to go posting them in the hopefuls group because I feel like a lot of girls who do just want to hear they are hot and I dont need to hear that (not that I mind) but I want to know is what you think about them, I mean what you REALLY think (quality/composition/setting wise etc).
Look at that face, it's got "you know you want to go look at my pics" written all over it.
Things are slowing down to the usual crapness that is my life. They were pretty topsy-turvy for a while though. I moved in and am somewhat settled into the new place. My man came to visit for 3 hot weeks. I planned and pulled off my best friend's wedding in less than a month. My cell-a-ma-phone grew some legs and decided it was leaving me unannounced on account of all the crazy conversations it was privy to. I did get a new phone and the internet came to my house as well so that's cool. The list goes on...
Currently I am rather stressed over money and the Holidays. I would say something to the effect of everyone being that way since it is the season for stress and money issues, but I can't help but feel I have it a little harder than some. (Don't worry, my head isn't stuck up my ass, I have taken into account that there are still starving people, homeless, and war torn to name a few.) I'm not whining or even complaining really, just venting.
Fun things:
Thing 1. MY website: will be up and running soon making it easier for people to buy sexy prints of me.
Thing 2. Please comment on my rejected set photos that are posted in my pics if you have not already. I dont care if you hate them; I just want to know your opinions. I am not going to go posting them in the hopefuls group because I feel like a lot of girls who do just want to hear they are hot and I dont need to hear that (not that I mind) but I want to know is what you think about them, I mean what you REALLY think (quality/composition/setting wise etc).

Look at that face, it's got "you know you want to go look at my pics" written all over it.

took a gander at yer pics...
feelin' on #s 1,5,9 & 10
even though #1 is a bit out of focus, the bright sun/over exposure thing on your skin is gorgeous
5 just grabs me because of the texture that your sweater and kilt are making in the shot
9 just 'cause I like seeing you smile & the fabric across your fingers is pretty eFFin' hot
10 cause the shadow of your hair across your shoulder matches the angle of your ear bauble
thinkin about ya Girl... my head's just been up my ass a bit the last few... saved your messages just to hear you voice every once in a whike
lonin' on ya