Blog for a Choice Day
It has not escaped the world that the moralriffic March for Life happens on the anniversary of Roe V. Wade every year. Usually I am fine with people having their own opinions as long as they don't shove them down my throat. When you state an opinion as fact, it tends to lose weight with me. I used to just sit back and say "fine, it's your opinion and you are entitled to it." But now, I say "fuck you!" I'm tired of people who are pro life "march" around spouting off bible quotes, harassing abortion clinics and shoving their opinion on abortion down everyone's throats.
I respect anyone who has an opinion that thy have formed on their own and in an educated manner (not just spouting off what their church tells them is right). I have an opinion too, it is that women can be trusted to make the decision about their bodies on their own. Because who knows a woman's body but the woman herself? she is capable to make the decision on her own. The majority of patients who decide to get an abortion think long and hard about what they are going to do. I have gotten an abortion and I know that it took some time to decide what I was going to do. I know that if I tried to bring the baby to term that I would have probably killed myself before I could give birth. I was not ready for a child then nor was I emotionally capable of even bringing it to term and choosing adoption. I thank God every day that I had an alternative.
And it isn't just women being reckless and not using protection. From my three hour wait in the abortion clinic I learned that many of the women there did practice some form of birth control, but it failed. women are not stupid. they survived in a world where they were less than second class and the livestock was worth more than them. Some people may believe that the reproductive rights of women should be controlled, but why? What do the government of the Catholic Church/Pro-Life supporters have to do with my uterus? I am a well educated woman who knows what is best for me. Women all around do know what is best for them, because in the end, it is their body.
When a woman gets pregnant, they can have all of their options laid out for them (if they don't already know them). And then she can make an informed decision. so why not trust women? they are not livestock, inanimate objects or pieces of fruit, they are thinking, breathing, caring beings who know what do with their own lives. Call abortion what you want, but for some, it is simply the best option.
Trust Women, let them choose for themselves. Because it isn't your body, it's theirs.
Oh, and keep your morals out of my vagina.
It has not escaped the world that the moralriffic March for Life happens on the anniversary of Roe V. Wade every year. Usually I am fine with people having their own opinions as long as they don't shove them down my throat. When you state an opinion as fact, it tends to lose weight with me. I used to just sit back and say "fine, it's your opinion and you are entitled to it." But now, I say "fuck you!" I'm tired of people who are pro life "march" around spouting off bible quotes, harassing abortion clinics and shoving their opinion on abortion down everyone's throats.
I respect anyone who has an opinion that thy have formed on their own and in an educated manner (not just spouting off what their church tells them is right). I have an opinion too, it is that women can be trusted to make the decision about their bodies on their own. Because who knows a woman's body but the woman herself? she is capable to make the decision on her own. The majority of patients who decide to get an abortion think long and hard about what they are going to do. I have gotten an abortion and I know that it took some time to decide what I was going to do. I know that if I tried to bring the baby to term that I would have probably killed myself before I could give birth. I was not ready for a child then nor was I emotionally capable of even bringing it to term and choosing adoption. I thank God every day that I had an alternative.
And it isn't just women being reckless and not using protection. From my three hour wait in the abortion clinic I learned that many of the women there did practice some form of birth control, but it failed. women are not stupid. they survived in a world where they were less than second class and the livestock was worth more than them. Some people may believe that the reproductive rights of women should be controlled, but why? What do the government of the Catholic Church/Pro-Life supporters have to do with my uterus? I am a well educated woman who knows what is best for me. Women all around do know what is best for them, because in the end, it is their body.
When a woman gets pregnant, they can have all of their options laid out for them (if they don't already know them). And then she can make an informed decision. so why not trust women? they are not livestock, inanimate objects or pieces of fruit, they are thinking, breathing, caring beings who know what do with their own lives. Call abortion what you want, but for some, it is simply the best option.
Trust Women, let them choose for themselves. Because it isn't your body, it's theirs.
Oh, and keep your morals out of my vagina.
Coming from a family of people who work within the hospitals, I do hear that some women out there seem to use abortion as their form of birth control - which makes me sad. I can't say that I personally agree with that, but it most certainly is NOT my business what a woman choses to do. Nor should it be any one else's choice but the woman herself.
How's you? It's been a while.