sorry about the delay in a new post, I know you were all chomping at the bit for one...haha.
this is my co-favorite holiday! halloween is my other. haha. I'm half Irish, my mom's from Ireland, the entire maternal side of my family lives in Ireland and Ireland happens to be my favorite country. it's just gorgeous and amazing. I love the history and all the people.
I'm also a bartender who enjoys alcohol. so...yeah...this is my holiday!
I have an 8am class tomorrow so I can't go out tonight, but I'll be with everyone who can in spirit.
so I have this friend. she got broken up with her boyfriend who happened to be really good friends with my entire group of friends. it came out of the blue. she ended up staying in my bed for days crying, then went home (missed classes) and got in an accident. I do blame the guy for everything since it came out of the blue. It did...he said his feelings just changed over night and he broke it off without any other word. So now I have my hurt and broken friend crying and on the verge of sinking because she made him her entire life. I'm a good friend so I'll always be there for her, GOD IN FUCKING HEAVEN! I hate it when people make their relationship their entire life! A relationship is PART of your life, not the entire thing. This girl's parents sent her flowers and let her come HOME not once, but THREE times since the break up. Oh and they sent her to Ireland to visit another friend so she could get over the break up...which happened three weeks again mind you. So all of this is supposed to help her get over it. But still she ends up talking about him every chance she gets. I'm fucking tired of it.
I'm tired of stupid relationships. Can everyone please just stop bitching about them? I know you are upset when you get broken up with, but after maybe three days of crying...can you just get on with your fucking life?! Ok cry, bitch, moan, weep and scream for the day it happens, but don't let it stop your life. My friend's nights are spent crying and moping as she sits in front of her computer wishing she could talk to him. get the fuck over it. it sucks, he moved on and he's being a total ass. but you're in a good school that demands a large amount of work...but yet you choose to dwell on your failed relationship.
I understand that the end of relationship can be hard. And it can be even harder when the relationship has lasted years and/or the couple lives together. But my friend wasn't living with this guy and they had only been in a relationship for 5 months. While I applaud the semi success of their long distance relationship, I can only hope that if she ends up in another relationship that ends badly she reacts better.
yeah...sorry for the downer, but it's been annoying me.
night lovies!
this is my co-favorite holiday! halloween is my other. haha. I'm half Irish, my mom's from Ireland, the entire maternal side of my family lives in Ireland and Ireland happens to be my favorite country. it's just gorgeous and amazing. I love the history and all the people.
I'm also a bartender who enjoys alcohol. so...yeah...this is my holiday!
I have an 8am class tomorrow so I can't go out tonight, but I'll be with everyone who can in spirit.
so I have this friend. she got broken up with her boyfriend who happened to be really good friends with my entire group of friends. it came out of the blue. she ended up staying in my bed for days crying, then went home (missed classes) and got in an accident. I do blame the guy for everything since it came out of the blue. It did...he said his feelings just changed over night and he broke it off without any other word. So now I have my hurt and broken friend crying and on the verge of sinking because she made him her entire life. I'm a good friend so I'll always be there for her, GOD IN FUCKING HEAVEN! I hate it when people make their relationship their entire life! A relationship is PART of your life, not the entire thing. This girl's parents sent her flowers and let her come HOME not once, but THREE times since the break up. Oh and they sent her to Ireland to visit another friend so she could get over the break up...which happened three weeks again mind you. So all of this is supposed to help her get over it. But still she ends up talking about him every chance she gets. I'm fucking tired of it.
I'm tired of stupid relationships. Can everyone please just stop bitching about them? I know you are upset when you get broken up with, but after maybe three days of crying...can you just get on with your fucking life?! Ok cry, bitch, moan, weep and scream for the day it happens, but don't let it stop your life. My friend's nights are spent crying and moping as she sits in front of her computer wishing she could talk to him. get the fuck over it. it sucks, he moved on and he's being a total ass. but you're in a good school that demands a large amount of work...but yet you choose to dwell on your failed relationship.
I understand that the end of relationship can be hard. And it can be even harder when the relationship has lasted years and/or the couple lives together. But my friend wasn't living with this guy and they had only been in a relationship for 5 months. While I applaud the semi success of their long distance relationship, I can only hope that if she ends up in another relationship that ends badly she reacts better.
yeah...sorry for the downer, but it's been annoying me.
night lovies!
ive thought about it.. but bartending school cost money. and where i live its hard to get jobs... theres alot of exchange people here for the winter and summer so alot of companys do country trades or some shit ive been told since i moved here.
i mostly just need to find a cheaper place and the boys need to find jobs.