I'm so stoked on them! new hoodie and a red thermal! I'm just plain excited. I love new clothes!
class fucking blew. my sadistic teacher assigned a paper due on Monday. um...it's St. FUCKING Patrick's weekend. I go to NOTRE DAME's sister school. we have like the biggest parties this weekend! holy effing shit. I'm so pissed.
I changed my minor from French to Political Science. I haven't started my minor classes so I figured, why not? I'm going to law school, maybe it will help?
there was actually a real reason I was posting, but I forgot. maybe I'll remember.
EDIT! I remembered!! That only took a minute. ha. I got the hotel room for Hell City! Hell fucking yeah! Now all I need is the money to buy the tickets. well, now all my boy needs is the money. He's paying for it. My one year anniversary with him happens to be on the 16th of May so we are celebrating with a road trip and the best tattoo convention ever. pretty fucking sweet present, huh? I thought I'd share my happy with anyone who reads this. I hope I see lots of people there!!
I'm so stoked on them! new hoodie and a red thermal! I'm just plain excited. I love new clothes!
class fucking blew. my sadistic teacher assigned a paper due on Monday. um...it's St. FUCKING Patrick's weekend. I go to NOTRE DAME's sister school. we have like the biggest parties this weekend! holy effing shit. I'm so pissed.
I changed my minor from French to Political Science. I haven't started my minor classes so I figured, why not? I'm going to law school, maybe it will help?
there was actually a real reason I was posting, but I forgot. maybe I'll remember.
EDIT! I remembered!! That only took a minute. ha. I got the hotel room for Hell City! Hell fucking yeah! Now all I need is the money to buy the tickets. well, now all my boy needs is the money. He's paying for it. My one year anniversary with him happens to be on the 16th of May so we are celebrating with a road trip and the best tattoo convention ever. pretty fucking sweet present, huh? I thought I'd share my happy with anyone who reads this. I hope I see lots of people there!!
Thanks for sharing the happy, made me feel a little better today. Sounds like an awesome trip.