sorry for the name change confusion. I know there are SGs with the name of Lynx and Seven. I know how annoyed some people can get if you take their name. So, I know there's an inactive member with the name os Jager, but...he's inactive? I sent him a message saying I was using the name with an underscore just in case he comes back.
my good friend (and separated at birth twin) gave me the idea for Jager. I drink Jagermeister like it's water when I drink and it's my more popular drink at the bar I work at. IF I become a SG, it's the name I hope to use.
so...drama. can we discuss drama? the internet is like a virtual high school you can never graduate from. all this drama is un-fucking-necessary. I haven't been here long, but I've been a fan of the SGs for years. they are strong and amazing women who I feel very kindred to. And I hope and pray they will give me criticism when I post my set. if it's good or bad, it will be helpful. and even if they tell me I'm not SG material, I'll keep trying until I get on. Isn't that part of the SG persona? being determined and not backing down? also not lashing out at SGs and photographers? I know I may be out of line for discussing this matter in my blog, but a few people are extremely out of line on this site. Rule one should be: DON'T FUCK WITH THE SGs, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE GIVING YOU ADVICE!!
I just feel like smacking some people in the head! When someone is helping you, why lash out and get angry...take the fucking help!!
yeah, drama. makes me fucking angry. but, I just got paid $160 for working last week and I'm stoked!
that's going to pay for my tattoos. alrightly kids and kiddies...have a good afternoon!!
my good friend (and separated at birth twin) gave me the idea for Jager. I drink Jagermeister like it's water when I drink and it's my more popular drink at the bar I work at. IF I become a SG, it's the name I hope to use.
so...drama. can we discuss drama? the internet is like a virtual high school you can never graduate from. all this drama is un-fucking-necessary. I haven't been here long, but I've been a fan of the SGs for years. they are strong and amazing women who I feel very kindred to. And I hope and pray they will give me criticism when I post my set. if it's good or bad, it will be helpful. and even if they tell me I'm not SG material, I'll keep trying until I get on. Isn't that part of the SG persona? being determined and not backing down? also not lashing out at SGs and photographers? I know I may be out of line for discussing this matter in my blog, but a few people are extremely out of line on this site. Rule one should be: DON'T FUCK WITH THE SGs, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE GIVING YOU ADVICE!!
I just feel like smacking some people in the head! When someone is helping you, why lash out and get angry...take the fucking help!!
yeah, drama. makes me fucking angry. but, I just got paid $160 for working last week and I'm stoked!

that's going to pay for my tattoos. alrightly kids and kiddies...have a good afternoon!!