this weekend i went to the second annual baltimore tattoo convention with Zepp, it was pretty rad. Though a bit tight on space. All the shops that were there are full of excellent artists. Especially since it's an Invite only convention. I entered my latest piece for my artist. Unfortunately the girls at the sign up table said it fell under the "XL Color Category" which seemed kind of unfair since it was against things like full back pieces, sleeves, and the like. So it didn't win, but Philadelphia Eddy said it was cool. So that works for me. There's always the philly convention.
So i got pretty drunk, also met Andi, and CaptainBackfire
oh. we also met this super cool vendor named Martha Rotten, who makes pewter jewelry and tableware. you should definitely go check out her shit and support her, Martha Rotten, and guess what? her shit's not made in china. so that's pretty fucking rad. Anyways, it's time for me to go back to being a self destructive alcoholic.
So i got pretty drunk, also met Andi, and CaptainBackfire
oh. we also met this super cool vendor named Martha Rotten, who makes pewter jewelry and tableware. you should definitely go check out her shit and support her, Martha Rotten, and guess what? her shit's not made in china. so that's pretty fucking rad. Anyways, it's time for me to go back to being a self destructive alcoholic.


I was sad that i missed that convention

ahahaha, look what I found!