so i havent brought myself to say merry christmas yet, i work retail so im listening to britney spears butchar christmas remix's all day and i hate to say it but im quite scrooged out already. once again im sorry for the lack of updating this thing, point a is the computer is a piece and point b is its rather hard to log on to a porn site with my parents watching trading spaces a few feet away.
i actually ran into my beautiful friend and photographer todayPosh and we had a nice talk about the up comming yet, she said she heard someone eles might be doing a similar theme which got me quite down. aragh, i suppose everything is just a copy of a copy.
its cold. i hate when its cold. you know its winter when your playlist consists of Bright eyes and Coutning crows.
anyone from california wanna adopt a little girl?
i actually ran into my beautiful friend and photographer todayPosh and we had a nice talk about the up comming yet, she said she heard someone eles might be doing a similar theme which got me quite down. aragh, i suppose everything is just a copy of a copy.
its cold. i hate when its cold. you know its winter when your playlist consists of Bright eyes and Coutning crows.
anyone from california wanna adopt a little girl?

Love, Murder
i want some sexy nudes up soon haha
glad you had a blast in cali