hello children.i got my hair burchared again. i had this free gift certificate for this salon and i was on this killer low self esstem kick and so i went to get my hair done and it was suppose to be a little inverted and have the big chunky bangs that start at the crown. i came out with a mushroom cut... i didnt even notice how the time went by because the guy whocut my hair was super gay and so much fun to talk to he even broke out pictures of him in drag. so i left thinking hmm i dont like it just because its so short and im not use to it. a few hours went by until i realized i look like a 14 year old boy, a friend mine came over to put some layers in and help achive the look i was attemping to reach. now its just short and dark puple. fuck i hate hair. so now im even more pouty due to the lack of hair. i mail my release forms off today so in about a week i should hear back from cali.