its finally summer. i met a boy. boys are lovley in the summer. i never knew i could enjoy doing nothing so much. im eager to shoot a set in vancouver next year, finally Dyme will get to see my naked ass she keeps raving about.
i love you all

sweet jeebus finally.
hurry it up woman.
well its rather sad that i dont get to be on here as much as id like to be, considering im working constantly and considering im still living with the rents. i have also sadly realized that my account will be expiring in september, for last year on my 18th birthday Posh gave me this membership, i do miss her, she has retired to the...
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.it is getting a 'lil too popular huh?
well then...looks like you'll just have to enjoy this place while you have it...too popular? if you say so. *sigh* I want to move to vancouver....well. victoria....or vancouver. lucky girl.
so i havent brought myself to say merry christmas yet, i work retail so im listening to britney spears butchar christmas remix's all day and i hate to say it but im quite scrooged out already. once again im sorry for the lack of updating this thing, point a is the computer is a piece and point b is its rather hard to log on...
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oh god its been too long. sorry cats i havent had a computer for ages, i just got a new one though, its a dell, its quite lovely except for the fact it had suddenly decided not to allow me to enter myspace. anyways i was in california for a bit, did some shopping, wasted alot of money and ran out of cigarettes far too quickly. im eager to shoot a set, my dear lynn has proably forgotten all about me by now, galavanting around vancouver, damn that makes me home sick. im doing some photos for a friends band, there cleverly called the murderous and who eles to be in the album jacket but myself, murder. it should be fun, the theme is some death situations, like me dying in all the ways the band members are most afraid of dying in. i hope a bath tub is in involved, i always look better with wet hair, haha. well my dear suicide girls iam earger to get to know you all, so this is my msn if it appeals to any, hopefully ill be working along side of you soon.

Love, Murder
yeah dammit where have you been woman?

i want some sexy nudes up soon haha
glad you had a blast in cali
hey guys, sorry its been awhile, my computer has been in a catholic church having exorcisms performed on it seriously virus's are shit. so yeah i got it back only to discover my e-mail address and my myspace profile have been deleted, eaither somebody got my password which isnt good because my SG info and passwords are in my inbox. i suppose i should alarm...
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A Lamb at False Dawn

Pauline began talking in her sleep at false dawn from under the watermelon covers. She told a little story about a lamb going for a walk.
"The lamb sat down in the flowers," she said. "The lamb was all right," and that was the end of the story.
Pauline often talks in her sleep. Last week she sang a little...
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Xerox Candy Bar

you're just a copy
of all the candy bars
I've ever eaten.

That's still my favorite...

[Edited on Nov 15, 2004 11:39PM]
hello children.i got my hair burchared again. i had this free gift certificate for this salon and i was on this killer low self esstem kick and so i went to get my hair done and it was suppose to be a little inverted and have the big chunky bangs that start at the crown. i came out with a mushroom cut... i didnt even...
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so tonight was quite the eventfull night, i dont care to go into much more detail then simple descripstion of " domerstic violence".....
anyways... i got my first tattoo, well two i suppose. there awful purdy. i got a star on each hip bone. i love them to bits. i havent named them yet, perhaps cause i havent really got to know them yet. i...
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legs crossed. Head down low. Choking on rusty water as it trickles down through lips pressed with fury. All the hate won't change a thing. Rain only hides the tears from sight but not from taste.
Grab any girl, drenched from head to toe. And press your lips to hers. Youll taste her sorrow. I believe every girl cries when it rains. I believe every...
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at last i have another chance to write you all. things have been strange, or perhaps the recent events of tonight are still haunting me. once again an old friend reemed me out for being depressed. im really sick of people saying things they know nothing about, and im really sick of this town and its lack of tasteful anti judgemental people.

i cant sleep....
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so i have the once in ahwile when not at home to update my journal. im at some friends house having a drink, its funny cause there 20ish and for some reason they think im really young, iam their babysitter turned friend actually so i would suppose your avrgae babysitter is about 16, my birthday is in a week. its on september 8th so i...
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happy birthday!!

it was nice meeting you sweetheart even if it was brief, i'll see you tomorrow

oh and happy birthday