Before I get going, I want to go on the record : Iona's new set on the front page is giving me such a raging hard-on it's painful.

I ended up heading over to see S last night after returning home from seeing "Men Who Stare At Goats" with the Daly City homeboys. For the record, the movie is underwhelming. I had intended to be...
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Am I right in assuming you're in a somewhat semi-successful open relationship? *jealous*
But kudos my friend smile
As for vices, caffeine in those mornings after a lack of sleeping is had, nicotine when I'm drunk. So most nights biggrin
Perhaps... Pictures are up. Yet none of my haircut, which was the point in the first place... surreal
I slid on my big girl panties and handled shit with S. I sat in her living room and practically begged her to give me a second chance to prove to her that what was developing between us was really as amazing as it seems. I made no attempt to shirk responsibility for my decisions, poor as they were. I'm a rookie when it comes...
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kiss Why thankyou!
Good to hear that things are kind of sort of looking better smile
I had lunch today with M. We ate at Jalapeno's, a burrito joint in walking distance from the Santa Cruz wharf, and then walked down to the seaside to watch the tide for a bit. It was our first date, and it'll probably be our last. She's very nice, and I have no doubts we'll hang out again in the future, but I just didn't...
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What a whirlwind these last few weeks have been.

A and I ended things. It just couldn't be done anymore. It needed to be ended long ago. I decided to not sit on the sofa and mope. I got out and met girls. I "came out" as polyamorous. My relationship with A reformed itself into something far better than it had ever been when we...
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classtastic is the way to be. i rather be boner-tastic than boring!
Poof! I have returned! My DSL experienced an extended outage, and my social life dumped a blizzard of dates and lunches in my lap around the same time. But now it's time to PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE FACE WITH WORDS! Now you, though. I like you.
Haha... I enjoyed reading that.. =)
So, my breakfast date from Friday turned into an awesome overnight Saturday. S is amazing. I'm reigning in the enthusiasm, though. I want a pace comparable to sloth speed.
take it slow.
but i am super happy for you!!!
FUN! biggrin
My dick is definitely like an airplane.

Why thank you....blush
Thank you smile

That link sounds interesting... stupid laptop not working frown x
I had my first date since the break-up this morning. It was nice. It was an odd feeling stealing glances down someone's shirt without feeling guilty about it. I suppose that's the point of all of this, to push myself into a head space where I'm de-tangling from her. Thinking of myself as "newly single" is counter-productive. I'm just single, no caveats.

We met up...
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cuuuuute!!! sounds like fun! its always amaizing to get over and old person. makes you feel so much better to let go... at least, it did for me!
yay! date = good!
I gotta' find a way to con the government into financing my full-time student status on the cheap Wall Street. Retail needs to take me to the balls, gag, and then stroke me off with the thick spit that comes after. Is there a scale for how disgruntled you can be? I'm definitely at either a straight 4 or three frowny faces. Don't these vile...
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That was one of the most fantastic ranting ramblings of a pissed off person I have perused for some time!
Angry literate folk make me oh so joyous. You keep me entertained biggrin
ya know i always thought things happened for a reason, then i realized, some people just suck. i think that we dont have any choice but to keep going forward and loving every single day. keep your head up, we dont have a choice. a lot of my life has changed, but at the same time i have gotten some of my friends back that i didnt get to see when i was with him. now i just have to build my life around me and not someone else. you have to too. live for yourself and not for anyone else.

ps... pervy comments are always welcome!
I sent out one metric fuckton in friend requests tonight. I don't believe in fuckin' around. If you accepted, hey, new buddy!
why thank you!!!
and thanks for the friend request.
Thanks for the friend request smile
Greetings, Earthlings. I am beaming this transmission directly into the nodes from which you normally steal power to fuel your hour-long fap sessions. Now that you're sticky-handed and spent, you have time to visit my shallow space and make me your friend!