Yeah, I was that guy, taking a selfie with Teddy Roosevelt. Oct 8, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email capitu: everyone does this here with a poet at the beach Oct 8, 2014
I've jumped through and crashed into this thing soooo many times in gta4, now I've seen it in real Oct 7, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
I'm going to be spamming you all with annoying posts of the awesome time I'm having, so get used to Oct 7, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
If you were wondering how to get hair this awesome, just walk home in the rain, immediately go to b Oct 5, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email ladyviolet: helloo^^ Oct 5, 2014 munky932: And a helloo to you as well, lovely lady. Oct 5, 2014