hello my fellow sgs ..its been i while since i blogged i kinda lost interest after a while.my search for a photographer was pretty hopless ..most photographers and sgs on here dont even answer back to you when you write them
i was hoping to find a sg/photographer in ny but nothing yet.also i have a little issue with me being naked on the site and the misses..she didnt like the idea very well but im hoping she warms up to it if a female takes my pictures. she needs to get use to it anywho im back ima give one last great big effort.
in the meantime some nice eyes candy for ju to enjoy.
i take alot of self portraits im a bit of a photographer myself
this is my mom when she was 17 in the year 1984 i believe ..hmmm her attire looks familiar!!!
more to come!!

in the meantime some nice eyes candy for ju to enjoy.

i take alot of self portraits im a bit of a photographer myself

this is my mom when she was 17 in the year 1984 i believe ..hmmm her attire looks familiar!!!

more to come!!