so far everything has been pretty mellow the whole finding a place to stay issue has been resolved
so all i need to worry about now is
1 getting a new job
2 enrolling in school in jan
3 shooting a better set for SG
my girlfirend and i celebrated my cousins 19th bday yesterday and yesh i have pics
we had unos

from right to left (fez aka my cuzin sam ,kelso aka me lol ,hyde aka my girlfriend)

solo shot

thats my hunny look gq ashell

food pixs =] cobb salad from unos

my cuzin ordered rosemary chicken and veggies with mashed potatos mmm

chicago classic deepdish pizza

lol at my cuzin in the backround

this isnt what it looks like ..she wasnt denying me a kiss

birthday girl with a birthday gift from the waiter lol
thats it for now ..
so far everything has been pretty mellow the whole finding a place to stay issue has been resolved

so all i need to worry about now is
1 getting a new job
2 enrolling in school in jan
3 shooting a better set for SG
my girlfirend and i celebrated my cousins 19th bday yesterday and yesh i have pics
we had unos

from right to left (fez aka my cuzin sam ,kelso aka me lol ,hyde aka my girlfriend)

solo shot

thats my hunny look gq ashell

food pixs =] cobb salad from unos

my cuzin ordered rosemary chicken and veggies with mashed potatos mmm

chicago classic deepdish pizza

lol at my cuzin in the backround

this isnt what it looks like ..she wasnt denying me a kiss

birthday girl with a birthday gift from the waiter lol
thats it for now ..