I have been seeing a girl that I work with for about 6 months now, she came out of a relationship last year and the break up was horrible. Early on in our relationship she said she couldn't get involved with someone she worked with just in case it went wrong and we had to see each other every day. I understood that but we kept on seeing each other and enjoyed being with each other. I don't know what to do as I really like her, i've told her that and I get the feeling she likes me too but she keeps saying while we work together nothing is going to happen. What should I do? Just cut my losses and try and find someone new or just keep waiting? I need your help people, what should i do?

Sorry to hear you're having lady troubles, if her break up was really horrible she's probably not going to budge on the issue but if she sees you with someone new and she really likes you then maybe she'll change her mind? hmm, sorry that really wasn't that helpful was it?...sorry