Tour looked (and went) summat like this:
played with DENY EVERYTHING again. awesome band. became really good mates with them over the few days we did with them. they even stood down the front and shouted along with us!
gig was packed and we played a blinder. our old singer Phil even sang one song with us, for old times sake.
Adam, Sarah and Pablo from Deny Everything
First gig away from the SAAAAAAF! Was really nervous, but we went down really well. played well again, and gig was packed. Met up with loads of mates that had come along too, so wasn't so scary in the long run
Another great night, mainly thanks to everyone that came down. Cheers you lot, you know who you are.
me and Adam demanding foooood!
Brighton sucked. gig was a shambles. Audience weren't particlulary up for it, and we had our set cut short becuase the stupid promoter forgot we had 3 singers, so had to find another mike cos i refused to play without one.
was cool meeting up with some old friends though...
Was a big surprise. played a teeny tiny venue with 4 other bands. again, the gig was packed, and we went down astonishingly well, with lots of banter from the audience. this was SHOCK AWESOME GIG #1. and apart from Brighton, at this point we'd played really well 4 out of 5 gigs.
we also got free beer at this show, so we got a bit pissed afterwards.
Had dinner at Peter Mingers house. Played with an awesome band called BEASTS. Harleen and her bloke Brigga came along too, as well as Mistress Paine. Was cool to see some friendly faces. Big thanks to Pete for putting us up and feeding us. you are amazing.
Cardiff and Newport
us outside the Millenium Stadium
adam doing his thing in Newport
again, we played really well, and tried really hard to win over a very hard to please crowd. seemed it worked cos we sold a fair bit of merch. we then proceeded to get wasted.
me and sarah on Swansea beach
doing our thing
this was SHOCK AWESOME GIG #2. again, place was tiny, and totally packed. Had the surprise of the night when our mates from The Cut Ups turned up in their side band THIS HIDDEN SWITCH, who were excellent. Had a great time with everyone cos we knew lots of people. we even had people who saw us in Newport come down to see us again. cool!
ferry from hell
an irish cow
trip to Ireland was scary as fuck. sarah cried and puked her guts up for 2 1/2 hours while I hung onto the chair for grim death (and adam slept). I think the crew made a big mistake leaving the port.
eventually got to Galway which is such a fantastic place. shame i was only there for a couple of hours. played with 3 scuzzy punk bands, and a fab dutch noise hardcore band called KARAKTEMOORD, who we became quite good friends with.
gig was a bit nuts, esp as we went on a midnight (we'd been up since 6am). we played like mental people, and also cranked the amps to FUCK, so we were scarily loud (we had to compete with the headliners)
I hated Belfast. Gig was rubbish, and the place is a dump (sorry). seemsall the punk punters had gone to the festival for the weekend, including the support band. the fuckers.
at this point in time, it seems Adam is losing his "James Hetfield-ness"...he's sounding more like Danzig
everyday instead!
Letterkenny Punx Picnic
Sarah standing in the field
drunk irish people
played the Punx Picnic in Letterkenny with ONLY FUMES AND CORPSES. stayed in a really swanky B&B which was a nice change. got free beer AND paid 150 euro. we played second headline for some reason. by the time we came on the crowd were totally pissed, and probably would have moshed to anything. but we did have a moshpit. and Only Fumes and Corpses standing in front of us with their bollocks out. and some girls dancing topless.
we managed to leave the gig before the riot kicked off with the headline band Blood and Whiskey, who are a BUNCH OF UTTER ROCK STAR CUNTS.
nob sign
when in Dublin
again, Dublin seemed nice, but could only really check it out for an hour. went to Huey Fun Lovin Criminals pub in Temple Bar, then it was back to the gig. Playing with KARAKTEMOORD again, and was cool to hang out with those guys. gig wasn't as empty as Belfast, but still the Punks stayed away (due to Letterkenny). we got totally pissed and played ABYSMALLY. what a great last night! Blah.
by this stage me and Adam were totally skint, and me and sarah were on the verge of killing each other. It was a great experience, and i enjoyed it for the most part, but i don't think i'll be doing a tour on this level again...especially one in a FUCKING FORD FOCUS!!!
i was kinda hoping for a bit of a rest before it all kicks off again...but it seems i'm not allowed. I've put my life practically on hold for this band over the last 6 months, and i think its time i got a month off!
s'laters everyone...

played with DENY EVERYTHING again. awesome band. became really good mates with them over the few days we did with them. they even stood down the front and shouted along with us!
gig was packed and we played a blinder. our old singer Phil even sang one song with us, for old times sake.

Adam, Sarah and Pablo from Deny Everything
First gig away from the SAAAAAAF! Was really nervous, but we went down really well. played well again, and gig was packed. Met up with loads of mates that had come along too, so wasn't so scary in the long run
Another great night, mainly thanks to everyone that came down. Cheers you lot, you know who you are.

me and Adam demanding foooood!
Brighton sucked. gig was a shambles. Audience weren't particlulary up for it, and we had our set cut short becuase the stupid promoter forgot we had 3 singers, so had to find another mike cos i refused to play without one.
was cool meeting up with some old friends though...

Was a big surprise. played a teeny tiny venue with 4 other bands. again, the gig was packed, and we went down astonishingly well, with lots of banter from the audience. this was SHOCK AWESOME GIG #1. and apart from Brighton, at this point we'd played really well 4 out of 5 gigs.
we also got free beer at this show, so we got a bit pissed afterwards.
Had dinner at Peter Mingers house. Played with an awesome band called BEASTS. Harleen and her bloke Brigga came along too, as well as Mistress Paine. Was cool to see some friendly faces. Big thanks to Pete for putting us up and feeding us. you are amazing.
Cardiff and Newport

us outside the Millenium Stadium

adam doing his thing in Newport
again, we played really well, and tried really hard to win over a very hard to please crowd. seemed it worked cos we sold a fair bit of merch. we then proceeded to get wasted.


me and sarah on Swansea beach

doing our thing
this was SHOCK AWESOME GIG #2. again, place was tiny, and totally packed. Had the surprise of the night when our mates from The Cut Ups turned up in their side band THIS HIDDEN SWITCH, who were excellent. Had a great time with everyone cos we knew lots of people. we even had people who saw us in Newport come down to see us again. cool!



ferry from hell

an irish cow
trip to Ireland was scary as fuck. sarah cried and puked her guts up for 2 1/2 hours while I hung onto the chair for grim death (and adam slept). I think the crew made a big mistake leaving the port.
eventually got to Galway which is such a fantastic place. shame i was only there for a couple of hours. played with 3 scuzzy punk bands, and a fab dutch noise hardcore band called KARAKTEMOORD, who we became quite good friends with.
gig was a bit nuts, esp as we went on a midnight (we'd been up since 6am). we played like mental people, and also cranked the amps to FUCK, so we were scarily loud (we had to compete with the headliners)
I hated Belfast. Gig was rubbish, and the place is a dump (sorry). seemsall the punk punters had gone to the festival for the weekend, including the support band. the fuckers.

at this point in time, it seems Adam is losing his "James Hetfield-ness"...he's sounding more like Danzig
everyday instead!

Letterkenny Punx Picnic

Sarah standing in the field

drunk irish people
played the Punx Picnic in Letterkenny with ONLY FUMES AND CORPSES. stayed in a really swanky B&B which was a nice change. got free beer AND paid 150 euro. we played second headline for some reason. by the time we came on the crowd were totally pissed, and probably would have moshed to anything. but we did have a moshpit. and Only Fumes and Corpses standing in front of us with their bollocks out. and some girls dancing topless.

we managed to leave the gig before the riot kicked off with the headline band Blood and Whiskey, who are a BUNCH OF UTTER ROCK STAR CUNTS.

nob sign

when in Dublin
again, Dublin seemed nice, but could only really check it out for an hour. went to Huey Fun Lovin Criminals pub in Temple Bar, then it was back to the gig. Playing with KARAKTEMOORD again, and was cool to hang out with those guys. gig wasn't as empty as Belfast, but still the Punks stayed away (due to Letterkenny). we got totally pissed and played ABYSMALLY. what a great last night! Blah.
by this stage me and Adam were totally skint, and me and sarah were on the verge of killing each other. It was a great experience, and i enjoyed it for the most part, but i don't think i'll be doing a tour on this level again...especially one in a FUCKING FORD FOCUS!!!
i was kinda hoping for a bit of a rest before it all kicks off again...but it seems i'm not allowed. I've put my life practically on hold for this band over the last 6 months, and i think its time i got a month off!

s'laters everyone...

How was Fridays' show? I didn't get back to Wimb till 7 or would have come - think I'd have missed you by the time I got there.
I see you weren't drinking Guinness in Dublin? I didn't think any other beer was allowed!
What's next, if you aren't getting time off?
looks like a great trip though!