oi oi SG!! 

Ozzy here! you may remember me from a while back. I'm Munchs rabbit. Sometimes i come on here when he's not looking and post things about him. but he's not let me near the PC for aaaaaages now cos my nails have needed clipping...
so yeah - as you can see, i'm a right fat bastard now! i used to be so little too...now look at me!! all those damn carrots!
anyway...munch is being a busy lil punk this weekend, so i thought i'd update for him. while he was running around like a child with ADHD he was ranting something about "PIZZA, DRINKIN', DANCIN', SHOPPIN', PUNK ROCK, and SKINHEAD MOVIES!"
I'm sure i dunno what he's going on about - some of you others out there might though. I know he's got monday off work, so that means he's definately not gonna be behaving himself for the next three days.
I just hope he doesn't end up face down in the Edinburgh Castle beer garden with grit in his face, like he did this time last year!
he also keeps playing that pesky guitar. it wouldn't be so bad if he could actually play the thing, but what a bleedin racket!!
all he does is keep playing the same things over and over again..."knowledge" by operation ivy, "sour grapes" by 7 seconds, and a couple of shite songs he's "written"....yeh, right!
why he can't play some decent old school Ska once in a while, i'll never know...or some Cock Sparrer, that'd be nice for a change...
oh fuck, i better go, he's coming back....i'm gonna go run round the garden and ignore the little shit like usual...
until next time...
Ozzy The Rabbit.

Ozzy here! you may remember me from a while back. I'm Munchs rabbit. Sometimes i come on here when he's not looking and post things about him. but he's not let me near the PC for aaaaaages now cos my nails have needed clipping...

so yeah - as you can see, i'm a right fat bastard now! i used to be so little too...now look at me!! all those damn carrots!
anyway...munch is being a busy lil punk this weekend, so i thought i'd update for him. while he was running around like a child with ADHD he was ranting something about "PIZZA, DRINKIN', DANCIN', SHOPPIN', PUNK ROCK, and SKINHEAD MOVIES!"

I'm sure i dunno what he's going on about - some of you others out there might though. I know he's got monday off work, so that means he's definately not gonna be behaving himself for the next three days.
I just hope he doesn't end up face down in the Edinburgh Castle beer garden with grit in his face, like he did this time last year!

he also keeps playing that pesky guitar. it wouldn't be so bad if he could actually play the thing, but what a bleedin racket!!
all he does is keep playing the same things over and over again..."knowledge" by operation ivy, "sour grapes" by 7 seconds, and a couple of shite songs he's "written"....yeh, right!

why he can't play some decent old school Ska once in a while, i'll never know...or some Cock Sparrer, that'd be nice for a change...

oh fuck, i better go, he's coming back....i'm gonna go run round the garden and ignore the little shit like usual...

until next time...
Ozzy The Rabbit.

Thanks for the directions at the end of the night as well, simple as it was I'd have got lost without them.