Off work with an ear infection. So I figured it was a good time to update this thing
So in my hungover state on Sunday (after having to go to work!), I spent the afternoon going through my old journals for the past yearand realised I used to make a hell of a lot more effort with writing this blog than I have been in the last few months.
I also started thinking about some of my friends journals I read. Doplex, Lissom and mat8drb always have well written and interesting journals that are actually a great read everytime. iannnnnn loves his blog so much, hes started posting them as VIDEOS. Jackie, even though she may not always have the time or the internet access, always manages to post - and however brief it may be, you always know what shes been up to.
So I thoughtif these guys made the effort, then maybe its about time I started again
went out with Chris on one of our random FANCY A PINT? pub-crawls.
This time we went to Notting Hill/Kensington and had a thoroughly ace and drunken time. I just wish I could remember the names of the pubs, cos two of them were fantastic.
However, The Churchill on Kensington Church St is to be avoided. Seems the reviews didn't mention it would be full of cunts.
Ended up back at the good ole Ship with Doplexwhere everything gets a bit vague. Was a great day though - random pubs, nice weather, good beer, ace company and some very amusing text messages.
Just what I needed.
Hunover. Had to work. Went through old journals, watched JACKIE BROWN on DVD, and then USED MY WOK FOR THE FIRST TIME!
Last night, I had a first rehearsal with a new band!
A couple of weeks ago, I was put in touch with Sarah, the drummer from Kingston DIY punks HEROIC DOSES, who was looking for a guitarist for a new three piece she wants to start up.
After chatting for a bit, and confirming that I'm not too old to be in her band
, things were beginning to sound pretty cool, and they sounded right up my street.
They are LOCAL, they are into 7 Seconds and Bouncing Souls, the band is to be started from scratch, all three members were to be involved in the song writing, and being music tech students, they have pretty much unlimited access to recording studios!
Sarah also recognised me from every Bouncing Souls gig shes been to in the last three years!
So last night we got together for rehearsal #1. I must admit I was shitting myself, cos I had no idea how easy the "writing music from scratch" would come back to me, having only written one song in the last ten years!
Luckily Adam the bass player had a few things up his sleeve, and once he started throwing a few ideas at me and Sarah, things fell into place ridiculously quickly.
4 hours later, we had 2 and a half songs on the way, all definitely in the 7 Seconds vein, all with required "WOAHs" and "HEYS" and "OI OI OI"s in placebut no lyrics as such yet!
I had the best time. Was amazing being in a rehearsal room with people that I can describe as being punk musicians. Previous bands I've been in, most of the other musicians never really liked the bands I was into, so we were never proper "punk" - but this was awesome.
Adam is an amazing musician, who seems to be able to play anything. I just need to try and unload some Rancid on him so he can get some Matt Freeman influence rub off on him!
but he is awesome. Could literally just show him something once, and he'd be off.
Sarah howeverwhat a fucking drummer!!! I've never seen a girlie drum like this before, she is fucking berserk. And my god does she hit the fuckers. Shes an absolute godsendI've never been in a band with a drummer with as much stamina as she has. 4 hours of drumming THAT fast and THAT hard can take it out of you. I reckon she could have gone on for another 2 hours. Insane.
Seems shes pretty happy with how it went. Heard from her this morning and shes booking rehearsals for next month.
Better pull my finger out and get some ideas togetherdon't wanna be seen as slacking off! to the doctors now.
Laters potaters
So in my hungover state on Sunday (after having to go to work!), I spent the afternoon going through my old journals for the past yearand realised I used to make a hell of a lot more effort with writing this blog than I have been in the last few months.
I also started thinking about some of my friends journals I read. Doplex, Lissom and mat8drb always have well written and interesting journals that are actually a great read everytime. iannnnnn loves his blog so much, hes started posting them as VIDEOS. Jackie, even though she may not always have the time or the internet access, always manages to post - and however brief it may be, you always know what shes been up to.
So I thoughtif these guys made the effort, then maybe its about time I started again

went out with Chris on one of our random FANCY A PINT? pub-crawls.
This time we went to Notting Hill/Kensington and had a thoroughly ace and drunken time. I just wish I could remember the names of the pubs, cos two of them were fantastic.
However, The Churchill on Kensington Church St is to be avoided. Seems the reviews didn't mention it would be full of cunts.
Ended up back at the good ole Ship with Doplexwhere everything gets a bit vague. Was a great day though - random pubs, nice weather, good beer, ace company and some very amusing text messages.
Just what I needed.

Hunover. Had to work. Went through old journals, watched JACKIE BROWN on DVD, and then USED MY WOK FOR THE FIRST TIME!

Last night, I had a first rehearsal with a new band!

A couple of weeks ago, I was put in touch with Sarah, the drummer from Kingston DIY punks HEROIC DOSES, who was looking for a guitarist for a new three piece she wants to start up.
After chatting for a bit, and confirming that I'm not too old to be in her band

They are LOCAL, they are into 7 Seconds and Bouncing Souls, the band is to be started from scratch, all three members were to be involved in the song writing, and being music tech students, they have pretty much unlimited access to recording studios!

Sarah also recognised me from every Bouncing Souls gig shes been to in the last three years!

So last night we got together for rehearsal #1. I must admit I was shitting myself, cos I had no idea how easy the "writing music from scratch" would come back to me, having only written one song in the last ten years!
Luckily Adam the bass player had a few things up his sleeve, and once he started throwing a few ideas at me and Sarah, things fell into place ridiculously quickly.
4 hours later, we had 2 and a half songs on the way, all definitely in the 7 Seconds vein, all with required "WOAHs" and "HEYS" and "OI OI OI"s in placebut no lyrics as such yet!
I had the best time. Was amazing being in a rehearsal room with people that I can describe as being punk musicians. Previous bands I've been in, most of the other musicians never really liked the bands I was into, so we were never proper "punk" - but this was awesome.
Adam is an amazing musician, who seems to be able to play anything. I just need to try and unload some Rancid on him so he can get some Matt Freeman influence rub off on him!

Sarah howeverwhat a fucking drummer!!! I've never seen a girlie drum like this before, she is fucking berserk. And my god does she hit the fuckers. Shes an absolute godsendI've never been in a band with a drummer with as much stamina as she has. 4 hours of drumming THAT fast and THAT hard can take it out of you. I reckon she could have gone on for another 2 hours. Insane.
Seems shes pretty happy with how it went. Heard from her this morning and shes booking rehearsals for next month.
Better pull my finger out and get some ideas togetherdon't wanna be seen as slacking off! to the doctors now.
Laters potaters

Hope you feel better soon.