but thursday, friday and saturday have been ace...

Thursday, had a visit from Jackie who came over to make me a curry, which was flippin awesome!
she also brought me a pressie - and i now have a WOK! i'll have to learn how to use that properly now, so i can return the cooking favour sometime.

we then proceeded to get a little bit pissed, play guitars and listen to loads of random punk rock. always an excellent evening in my book!

Friday, me and jackie headed up to waterloo to meet up with my mates chris tony and carmel for our annual Good Friday Drinkathon.
Jumped on a City Cruise boat by the London Eye and made our way down to Greenwich. Chris came equipped with his awesome "London Pubs" book, and we spent the afternoon drinking in the sunshine, in pubs along the river.

as it was Good Friday, and cos of God, the pubs all stopped doing food early - so we didn't get down to eating until quite late, after we got the last boat back to the west end.
after a wicked pizza, we all decided to call it a night - the pubs were closing early anyway, the trains were stopping early too, and fuck me, we had drunk enough anyway. but it was an awesome day out, and i think everyone had a great time...
oh, and i took my new camera. Chris got hold of it when he was pissed and managed to take over 300 pictures!! i'll spare you those...and instead, here are just a few slightly more sensible pics instead...
Saturday, after a morning of hangovers (me!) and lay-ins (jackie!), i dropped Jackie off at Paddington then made my way over to Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes for the SGUK Bowl-A-Rama.
was a great evening - made a nice change from the usual drunken shenanigans, and again, everyone seemed to have a good time. was great meeting a couple of new faces too.
i didn't embarrass myself too much with the bowling, and came third (out of 5) in both games (in my team was Doplex, iannnnnn, Lissom and CreamyGoodness).
i did however make a total ARSE of myself in the Karaoke booth afterwards, with some awful renditions of "Rock Show" (Blink 182) and "Impression That I Get" (Mighty Mighty Bosstones).
the beer got the better of me however...and although i managed one more beer back at The Ship, i think the three day drinking binge had finally finished me off!
must say a big thanks to iannnnnn for organising a fucking ace meet on saturday, and a big hug and thanks to Jackie for my new wok, and coming to hang out with me and be my "partner-in-crime" for a couple of days...
has been fun...i hope everyone else has had a good long weekend.
laters y'all
stuff stuff stuff....
cant rememeber what i was gonna say...erm...blah