for the record, i had a bit of a naff week last week. but apparently all it took to get over it was a gig with and tattoo from my best mate. i highly recommend getting tattooed by a friend, its an awesome experience...providing they can actually tattoo of course!

last week was shit quite frankly. its a not really a big deal, but the new early starts for work were kicking my butt, along with the fact it was one of my mind numbing work weeks where i literally had nothing to do. plus i was kinda stressing about stuff that i didn't need to - cos as per usual, stuff has been sorted out for the better, and things are cool. i really should learn to not worry about things that i can't do anything about.

me at work....
anyway, in reverse bulletpoints, the weekend went summat like this:
- i drove over 200 miles this weekend. NO SHIT i hear you cry. well i usually don't drive anywhere. i hate it. but i bit the bullet and actually drove somewhere north of London. 200 miles may not sound a lot, but it is to me!

- got tattooed by Jackie and then "helped" to paint the shop. by help, i mean "make a fucking mess", but it was a fun sunday. we also managed to get our fishnchips we missed out on in Brighton.
- saturday, i went and saw THE GRIT at The Square in Harlow with Jackie. was a great show, in a tiny venue with an excellent sound. shame the venue isn't gonna be there much longer. had a couple of great support bands too - Hot Rocket Trio and The Hitchers (a sort of rockabilly green day!). we also got well and truly bladdered. oops.
- stayed at my cousins in Harlow. had a fantastic curry. her and her boyfriend dropped me off and picked me up at the gig (excellent). i felt about 16 again!
- left work early on friday, and headed up to The Ship to meet up with Oak, the rest of SGUK that were in attendance, and a couple of my oldest mates Kev and Steve. Us three and Doplex went for hamburgers. Kev got well and truly wankered on Stella, and was almost asked to leave the pub.
i would apologise for his behaviour, but i won't. he's a grown man and didn't actually offend anyone anyway - he just showed himself up, hehehe!
- watched in amusement at Super trying to make roll-up cigarettes. fuck me that was entertaining!!
at the moment, i'm waiting for a video to upload to youtube. when its done i'll post a vid of Jackie tattooing me. definately doesn't look like something from Roswell this time.
anyway...after all that lot, i feel much better now. and thank fuck we get a short week next week. roll on easter and the long weekend.
id never seen any gilbert and george work before so it was abit strange seeing all that work that featured shit and balls and stuff haha. it was sooo strange. haha yeah some of it was funny.
i like their work though.
i wondered if they were a gay couple cos i dunno something seems bit gay about them.
was nice to see you yesterday