So Brighton was rather fun. iannnnnn drove us down for the weekend (much appreciated dude!), and many drinks were drunk (on and off the beach), food consumed, and there was vomiting too!
Random Pic Time:
me and Richie6Fingers in the Bath Arms. Rich was my first friend on SG, and we've been talking crap to each other ever since. On saturday, we actually met in person for the first time since joining the site!
this is because he actually has a life, with like, y'know, proper grown up shit to do an that...
me and Jackie at The Engine Rooms. shortly after this pic was taken, i was sick.
me and Jackie on the least scary Ghost Train in the world.
rest of the week has been pretty dull. saw 300 yesterday, which was...ok. bit of a case of style over substance methinks.
looking forward to this saturday. its my mate Carmels birthday, and we're going out for big beers from 1PM tomorrow afternoon in the West End on one of our usual random pub crawls. then after we've eaten, and the compulsory "Ship Stop", we're off to Camden to meet up with my Punk Rock Partner-In-Crime and go and see our band of the moment, The Grit.
its their album launch party, and i can't fuckin wait. a nice dose of punk rock...just what i needed...
laters potaters...

Random Pic Time:

me and Richie6Fingers in the Bath Arms. Rich was my first friend on SG, and we've been talking crap to each other ever since. On saturday, we actually met in person for the first time since joining the site!
this is because he actually has a life, with like, y'know, proper grown up shit to do an that...

me and Jackie at The Engine Rooms. shortly after this pic was taken, i was sick.

me and Jackie on the least scary Ghost Train in the world.
rest of the week has been pretty dull. saw 300 yesterday, which was...ok. bit of a case of style over substance methinks.

looking forward to this saturday. its my mate Carmels birthday, and we're going out for big beers from 1PM tomorrow afternoon in the West End on one of our usual random pub crawls. then after we've eaten, and the compulsory "Ship Stop", we're off to Camden to meet up with my Punk Rock Partner-In-Crime and go and see our band of the moment, The Grit.
its their album launch party, and i can't fuckin wait. a nice dose of punk rock...just what i needed...

laters potaters...

those pics are great! hehehehehe
the grit are awesome. my fave band!!!