thats that out of the way....on with 2007.
so apart from this weekend just gone, i've been suffering from the new years blues.
these have been temporarily alleviated by spending friday -> sunday with Jackie and going to Bath to see pinklet, and had a thoroughly ace time hanging out with the girls - drinking, watching DVDs, talking bollocks, sitting in funny little pubs, listening to music and feeding the ducks.
but the melon colonies are back ....and i reckon it could be a number of things:
1. january is always depressing. nuff said.
2. december was sooooo insane, my body (and mind) is having trouble with the comedown of all the partying, drinking and misbehaving.
3. my body is having trouble coping with the lack of alcohol consumption!
4. knowing i've got to get out of all the bad habits i got into in december - going into work late and skiving off early.
this hasn't been helped by the bombshell that was dropped on me at work last week by our Department Manager. without going into too many long, complicated and boring details, its been decided that me and two of my team are to be moved to a different office.
this means longer travelling time to work (5mins to an hour), further into the wilds of surrey (ugh), on the pretence that we are to work on a new gigantic project, that in reality actually means we get less work to do because we can't do any of our normal day-to-day work because we aren't in the main office.
the biggest joke is, we'd already be working on the new project anyway, regardless of being involved with the bods at redhill (the new office).
i do make money on the deal (prob around 50 a month extra), but losing my normal work is putting the fear in me. I gotta speak to the Big Manager tomorrow to find out whats what, cos i got far too many questions to ask. I also know he's gonna say NO to everything (he's an absolute wanker, and i haven't really endeared myself to him, cos i'm always managing to put my foot in it around him), but i can't just roll over and put up with it without putting my point across.
we'll see what happens i suppose.
in the meantime, i'm gonna watch the absolute guaranteed shite cheesefest that is:
laters potaters...