my holiday has kinda finished how i a binge drinking frenzy!
this last week i've been extremely drunk on three occasions, ending last night with my partner in crime Jackie ending up pissed as farts dancing like twats at ex member Yeomans club.
needless to say, i ended up having to get a nightbus home (not my favourite of pastimes), but not before i popped back into The Ship at 2AM to join Charlotte and Liam for a quick beer, then a quick pee-and-puke down a back alley off Trafalgar Square.
finally stumbled through my front door at 5AM.
so its time for a break i think. calm down the drinking again, and get back into the swimming, which i stopped about 3 weeks ago before my holiday started.
i also managed to catch up with my cinema viewing, which i've been neglecting for a few weeks. this last week i've managed to catch the following:
Click - the new Adam Sandler - okish, made all the more appealling by Kate Beckinsale, and a hilarious turn from Christopher Walken
Brothers Of The Head - siamese twin punk rockers. weird.
Children Of Men - again okish, but my god i wanna kill Clive fuckin Owen
The Departed - ace, lots of heads being blown off, plus they play The Dropkicks in it - twice. very loudly
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - very gory, very cheesy. amd now we know how the Sherriff loses his teeth, how the uncle loses his legs, and how Leatherface gets a chainsaw
Marie Antoinette - fantastic. lovely and weird. and the music is insane.

BTW - for those interested parties, there are still tickets available for The Bronxs1st November show @ Islington Academy. go pick yourself up a ticket, and come and see the greatest most insane band that exists today.
this last week i've been extremely drunk on three occasions, ending last night with my partner in crime Jackie ending up pissed as farts dancing like twats at ex member Yeomans club.
needless to say, i ended up having to get a nightbus home (not my favourite of pastimes), but not before i popped back into The Ship at 2AM to join Charlotte and Liam for a quick beer, then a quick pee-and-puke down a back alley off Trafalgar Square.

finally stumbled through my front door at 5AM.
so its time for a break i think. calm down the drinking again, and get back into the swimming, which i stopped about 3 weeks ago before my holiday started.
i also managed to catch up with my cinema viewing, which i've been neglecting for a few weeks. this last week i've managed to catch the following:
Click - the new Adam Sandler - okish, made all the more appealling by Kate Beckinsale, and a hilarious turn from Christopher Walken
Brothers Of The Head - siamese twin punk rockers. weird.
Children Of Men - again okish, but my god i wanna kill Clive fuckin Owen
The Departed - ace, lots of heads being blown off, plus they play The Dropkicks in it - twice. very loudly
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - very gory, very cheesy. amd now we know how the Sherriff loses his teeth, how the uncle loses his legs, and how Leatherface gets a chainsaw
Marie Antoinette - fantastic. lovely and weird. and the music is insane.

BTW - for those interested parties, there are still tickets available for The Bronxs1st November show @ Islington Academy. go pick yourself up a ticket, and come and see the greatest most insane band that exists today.

wuv woo