this week has kinda kicked my arse - not in a particularly bad way, but kicked it all the same. in fact, i think it all started with last weekend over indulgance, which probably hasn't helped things.
works been berserk. part 1 of the big project i've been working on (my first!) finally came to an end today, when i went into work early and got everything up an running. not all good though - monday is gonna be insane, as i have to go visit 90 different people (and their PCs) to sort out a slight fuck up that we didn't spot before we started.
some good news though - the bitch from hell (mentioned in my journal from time to time) has finally handed her notice in, so as of next friday, shes gone! result!
saw The Bones and The Misfits on thursday with Jackie, nutz, TheSnowDetective and my mate Shaun. The Bones were ace, The Misfits really weren't.
in the meantime, i was getting weird texts from my best mate, which indicated that we had "issues" and were probably due to fall out over something, which kinda freaked me out.
and to top this, the 2 1/2 pints (!) i had completely FLOORED me hangover wise on Friday...
...and speaking of Friday, there was the drive to Brighton to see The Pipettes (who were great) at the Corn Exchange (a fucking barn), and brief meet up with Traumatron and Nic.
was still fretting over thursdays texts though at this point.
Luckily i met up with my friend today, and luckily we sorted shit out. Seems we have both been a little bit stupid, thinking the exact same thing about the other. I'm glad we got stuff sorted, but i feel a bit bad now. I think i shoulda seen it coming and done something about it. I hate seeing Carmel upset, and quite frankly, this afternoon, upset she was.
oh well...things happen i suppose....

works been berserk. part 1 of the big project i've been working on (my first!) finally came to an end today, when i went into work early and got everything up an running. not all good though - monday is gonna be insane, as i have to go visit 90 different people (and their PCs) to sort out a slight fuck up that we didn't spot before we started.
some good news though - the bitch from hell (mentioned in my journal from time to time) has finally handed her notice in, so as of next friday, shes gone! result!
saw The Bones and The Misfits on thursday with Jackie, nutz, TheSnowDetective and my mate Shaun. The Bones were ace, The Misfits really weren't.
in the meantime, i was getting weird texts from my best mate, which indicated that we had "issues" and were probably due to fall out over something, which kinda freaked me out.
and to top this, the 2 1/2 pints (!) i had completely FLOORED me hangover wise on Friday...
...and speaking of Friday, there was the drive to Brighton to see The Pipettes (who were great) at the Corn Exchange (a fucking barn), and brief meet up with Traumatron and Nic.
was still fretting over thursdays texts though at this point.
Luckily i met up with my friend today, and luckily we sorted shit out. Seems we have both been a little bit stupid, thinking the exact same thing about the other. I'm glad we got stuff sorted, but i feel a bit bad now. I think i shoulda seen it coming and done something about it. I hate seeing Carmel upset, and quite frankly, this afternoon, upset she was.

oh well...things happen i suppose....

Sorry I missed you on the weekend baby, I have only just got back to work after being bedridden & in agony with tonsili fucking itis!!!
Beer? Food? Soon?

Did you have fun at the Pipettes? I didn't get yer message til it was too late, I'm easier to get in touch with by text than internet. I was at work Friday anyway, but I'd have come and had a drink with you if I could have