Ah ladies and gents this is it. My final blog:
I remember back many months ago when I saw spot on !E about SG. I looked it up and naturally was curious. Curiosity led me to buying month. 6 months of creeping and I went public. Then blogging my inner most darkest full blow bi-polar delirious thoughts and rants. Fast forward to a new year, new friends and a couple of drinks. I met a lot a fucking cool people on this site and at the parties. Thus me no longer needing this site. I talk and keep in contact with my close friends whom I have met on here via texting and facebook. I don't read their blogs because I know whats going on in their life. I'm not a friend whore like most people. I have what 60 something friends? All of which I talk to cordially outside of SG, or they too have left. Once you have seen a pair of tits, you have seen them all, no porn aspect anymore. But before I sign off ill tell you my future intent.
Spring I'm planning to move back to Cincinnati. I cant support myself and go to nursing school at the same time. Thus me moving back in with my parents and brother. Its going to be tough but I need to get school the fuck together and finish. All my friends are graduating this year and so should I. Ah the last two years have been a weird strange struggle/chapter in my life.
Ill be at the parties, and the events. All my friends up here are a part of the site, Ill still be in the loop. Just not active on the site. Sadly my subscription got renewed before I could cancel it, and they wont refund me soo. Ill be hanging out for awhile just not active. Bye lovelies. Catch you on Facebook!

and remember, Stay sick mother fuckers!

I remember back many months ago when I saw spot on !E about SG. I looked it up and naturally was curious. Curiosity led me to buying month. 6 months of creeping and I went public. Then blogging my inner most darkest full blow bi-polar delirious thoughts and rants. Fast forward to a new year, new friends and a couple of drinks. I met a lot a fucking cool people on this site and at the parties. Thus me no longer needing this site. I talk and keep in contact with my close friends whom I have met on here via texting and facebook. I don't read their blogs because I know whats going on in their life. I'm not a friend whore like most people. I have what 60 something friends? All of which I talk to cordially outside of SG, or they too have left. Once you have seen a pair of tits, you have seen them all, no porn aspect anymore. But before I sign off ill tell you my future intent.
Spring I'm planning to move back to Cincinnati. I cant support myself and go to nursing school at the same time. Thus me moving back in with my parents and brother. Its going to be tough but I need to get school the fuck together and finish. All my friends are graduating this year and so should I. Ah the last two years have been a weird strange struggle/chapter in my life.
Ill be at the parties, and the events. All my friends up here are a part of the site, Ill still be in the loop. Just not active on the site. Sadly my subscription got renewed before I could cancel it, and they wont refund me soo. Ill be hanging out for awhile just not active. Bye lovelies. Catch you on Facebook!

+1 on the final blog thing. You know where to find me too.
dont be gay