Kids, grab your glass of wine, pick up some cheese spread, 'cuz this is gonna be a fuckin long one. Ill try to keep some fancy pics going so I can keep your attention. SOOOO much stuff to get off my chest.
Since Halloween I hit a rut. Probably one of the lowest lows I have hit in awhile. Family shit was just getting even more heated. Even though I'm almost 100 miles away it still gets to me. I was getting tired of taking care of the detox patients we were over run with, that just tried to escape and kick the shit out of me. Luckily I have a decent friend network up here that keeps on a'gowin. One of these kids have really brought me out. What a vixen.
Me and the Doctor went a shootin. Shooting stuff is one of my most favorite things to do. I absolutely love teaching people how to shoot, and that guns in educated hands are safe and fun.

Also, hit up a Megadeth concert. Not really a Megadeth fan, but shit free tickets are awesome. We got there right at the end of the Suicide Silence set (bummed). Then Machine Head came on. I for one don't like their music, and after seeing them twice I hate their stage show. Any band that doesn't promote pits/and or violence is fail in my book. The lead dude said "Bang your fuckin head" about twice every song. Not to mention the tribute to Dime Bag.. Ugh almost word for word same speech as when they opened for Lamb of God back in 2006 but *insert city name here*
Clearly bored..

And the Megadeth crowd was ok, lots of head banging and hands in the air airguitar.
(I feel like I have been living life tracked to my iTunes Marilyn Manson Discography.)

Use me when you wanna cum, I bled just to have a touch, When Im in you I wanna die.

I never thought the devil was real, but God couldnt make something as filthy as you.

You were my mechanical bride, you were phenobarbidoll.

Use me like I was I was a whore, relationships are such a bore, delete the ones you fucked.

(ed. note: Sexual references not intended towards the Doc.)
I hit up the Mirror Lake jump this year. For those of you who don't know what that is.. Its the crazy pre Michigan ritual that I guess gives us CRAZZZY Buckeyes the gewd luk to win.
The night started with my Goldschlager virginity taken.

Some flashin'

Some short shorts.

and ended with some Jack and krispy kreme. (maybe this diet would explain my doughyness.PS im still at my training weight!!)

Ive stayed busy, and I'm fucking glad. Or the troubles of work and family would make me kill someone.
Lastly I have been play piercing it up lately. I guess I first experimented my freshman year of college in 2006. My friends and I, in middle school did stupid shit and video taped it. It died out when Jackass made it big. We were seen as "posers". I brought out the cam and entered a contest for 400$ which I lost. But hey.. Looks like the start of my pleasure in pain?
And I leave you with this..

waiting for a cutie.
Since Halloween I hit a rut. Probably one of the lowest lows I have hit in awhile. Family shit was just getting even more heated. Even though I'm almost 100 miles away it still gets to me. I was getting tired of taking care of the detox patients we were over run with, that just tried to escape and kick the shit out of me. Luckily I have a decent friend network up here that keeps on a'gowin. One of these kids have really brought me out. What a vixen.
Me and the Doctor went a shootin. Shooting stuff is one of my most favorite things to do. I absolutely love teaching people how to shoot, and that guns in educated hands are safe and fun.

Also, hit up a Megadeth concert. Not really a Megadeth fan, but shit free tickets are awesome. We got there right at the end of the Suicide Silence set (bummed). Then Machine Head came on. I for one don't like their music, and after seeing them twice I hate their stage show. Any band that doesn't promote pits/and or violence is fail in my book. The lead dude said "Bang your fuckin head" about twice every song. Not to mention the tribute to Dime Bag.. Ugh almost word for word same speech as when they opened for Lamb of God back in 2006 but *insert city name here*
Clearly bored..

And the Megadeth crowd was ok, lots of head banging and hands in the air airguitar.
(I feel like I have been living life tracked to my iTunes Marilyn Manson Discography.)

Use me when you wanna cum, I bled just to have a touch, When Im in you I wanna die.

I never thought the devil was real, but God couldnt make something as filthy as you.

You were my mechanical bride, you were phenobarbidoll.

Use me like I was I was a whore, relationships are such a bore, delete the ones you fucked.

(ed. note: Sexual references not intended towards the Doc.)
I hit up the Mirror Lake jump this year. For those of you who don't know what that is.. Its the crazy pre Michigan ritual that I guess gives us CRAZZZY Buckeyes the gewd luk to win.
The night started with my Goldschlager virginity taken.

Some flashin'

Some short shorts.

and ended with some Jack and krispy kreme. (maybe this diet would explain my doughyness.PS im still at my training weight!!)

Ive stayed busy, and I'm fucking glad. Or the troubles of work and family would make me kill someone.
Lastly I have been play piercing it up lately. I guess I first experimented my freshman year of college in 2006. My friends and I, in middle school did stupid shit and video taped it. It died out when Jackass made it big. We were seen as "posers". I brought out the cam and entered a contest for 400$ which I lost. But hey.. Looks like the start of my pleasure in pain?
And I leave you with this..

waiting for a cutie.
im glad you came over the other day for the bon fire.
mmm fire
Stay classy