So muuuch fucking shit tooooo saaaay. Get ready folks see if you can keep up with my ADD brain and avoid random tangents!
First off my hiking trip was a fucking success. The trails down at Shawnee State Forest were a hell of a lot more rugged than I planed, I wanted to do 10 miles a day but ended up cutting that in half and just hiking the lower loop. I started out at like 500ft and the trail went up to 1400ft and just went up and down the ridges which was fucking stupid, the brush was sooo thick you couldn't really see much off the trail. I just basically worked a routine every day. Hike 5-7 miles to camp, set up camp, forage for food and water, get enough wood to last though the night, rinse and repeat.(ha the only food I found and ate the entire time was squirrel.)
Next Ive had this huge fucking sex drive just come out of nowhere and punch me in the dick. I have a very very low sex drive, i haven't had sex since January with my girlfriend at the time. I feel like such a chauvinistic pig. I treat every girl like they are my little sister, unless they make an advance on me. (I was so the hetero gay best friend in high school). I work in a predominately female dominated profession (redundant?) and I have been looking at my coworkers like pieces of meat. ICK!
thats not me! Even some of the girls that i wouldnt even six pack and a kroger sack em. wow. I think i need a booty call or something. or just some plain old female companionship. I could always just cut a chickens head off, stick my dick in its ass and just flop all over the place, I dont wanna be no chicken fucker boss (movie scene!).
Im typing this fucking blog in a shit hole of a hotel thats charging me 100$ a night. My apartment still isnt ready.. Could be a soon as tomorrow or as late as the 16th, until then im homeless. Im about to peace out of this fucking place tomorrow and just camp in goodale park, or beg some coworkes to stay with them. fuck it.
MOVIES! I abso-fucking-lutely need to see Final Destination in 3D, H2, And Inglorious Bastards. I can pass on the new halloween though, it will be assimilated into my horror collection as soon as it hits Blueray.
LASTLY i was very excited to get out of the woods and see my favorite set hit main page, oh those silly pretty Ohio SGs!

First off my hiking trip was a fucking success. The trails down at Shawnee State Forest were a hell of a lot more rugged than I planed, I wanted to do 10 miles a day but ended up cutting that in half and just hiking the lower loop. I started out at like 500ft and the trail went up to 1400ft and just went up and down the ridges which was fucking stupid, the brush was sooo thick you couldn't really see much off the trail. I just basically worked a routine every day. Hike 5-7 miles to camp, set up camp, forage for food and water, get enough wood to last though the night, rinse and repeat.(ha the only food I found and ate the entire time was squirrel.)
Next Ive had this huge fucking sex drive just come out of nowhere and punch me in the dick. I have a very very low sex drive, i haven't had sex since January with my girlfriend at the time. I feel like such a chauvinistic pig. I treat every girl like they are my little sister, unless they make an advance on me. (I was so the hetero gay best friend in high school). I work in a predominately female dominated profession (redundant?) and I have been looking at my coworkers like pieces of meat. ICK!

Im typing this fucking blog in a shit hole of a hotel thats charging me 100$ a night. My apartment still isnt ready.. Could be a soon as tomorrow or as late as the 16th, until then im homeless. Im about to peace out of this fucking place tomorrow and just camp in goodale park, or beg some coworkes to stay with them. fuck it.
MOVIES! I abso-fucking-lutely need to see Final Destination in 3D, H2, And Inglorious Bastards. I can pass on the new halloween though, it will be assimilated into my horror collection as soon as it hits Blueray.
LASTLY i was very excited to get out of the woods and see my favorite set hit main page, oh those silly pretty Ohio SGs!
I was soooo happy that Sherri Moon was in Halloween 2! I'm happy Rob Zombie wrote in her part. It's not the same (or nearly as hot) as her role as Baby, but i'll take what I can get!