It has been forever since I have been on here. I was never impressed with the iphone SG app ao Iam glad to have internet at home so I can access the site through a regular PC. Work has been going very well for me lately. I moved to an up front office job as a death investigator rather than my autopsy technician and embalmer position. I like it so much better. I have started working later hours so I only see other employees for two to three hours a day.
I haven't met anyone worth while to hang out with on my days off yet. Of course my limited adventures into public have played a huge role into that. Winter's not the best for me here since I don't ski or snowboard, so I dont get out as much as I'd like. Unfortunetly everyone living in our neighborhood seems to be 70 years old. I know Alaska is full of pot smokers; you wouldn't think it would be so hard to find some cool ones.
Hopefully soon I will get around to loading some photos of the area on here. I've got some good ones of moose and ice sculptures.
Well that's all I got at the moment, I have the day off tomorrow so we will see if I can get this account updated. Have a good night all!
I haven't met anyone worth while to hang out with on my days off yet. Of course my limited adventures into public have played a huge role into that. Winter's not the best for me here since I don't ski or snowboard, so I dont get out as much as I'd like. Unfortunetly everyone living in our neighborhood seems to be 70 years old. I know Alaska is full of pot smokers; you wouldn't think it would be so hard to find some cool ones.
Hopefully soon I will get around to loading some photos of the area on here. I've got some good ones of moose and ice sculptures.
Well that's all I got at the moment, I have the day off tomorrow so we will see if I can get this account updated. Have a good night all!
God damn pot head