Work has been super busy lately, which has been nice and makes the day go faster but I wish that funerals and such didn't get scheduled for the weekend so I could at least have some time off. We are kind of short handed around here right now so I am mostly on call everynight and most weekends at this point. At least I get money for after hour removals. I have embalmed five bodies since Saturday, that seems to be pretty rare around here. I love embalming and it had been a while since I have been able to do it so I was thrilled for the first couple I got to do but last night we had a body that was hit by a train while in her vehicle; she was still super mangled and you could definetly tell she got hit by a train. I would like to get out and see the area before it starts to get really cold. It is already getting pretty chilly at night here. I can tell that my short time in Arizona and Cali have lowered my cold weather tolerance; gotta get my blood thickened up again. The state fair started today and I am really wanting to go check out a few things this weekend and next weekend there. I was pretty excited to learn that they had hot air ballloon rides there but later I found out that you are tethered to the ground but hell I will still check that out
I really miss Thanatogenous and all of the crazy schemes we seem to get ourselves into. I miss laughing until my sides hurt. I need to make some friends around here but spending most of my time at the funeral home isn't helping; maybe I will meet some cool people at the fair.
My dog has been growing so fast and has become such a better dog after getting his balls cut off. I felt so guilty doing it and felt like a big meany the day I had to take him and drop him off at the vet but now I fell like I couldn't have made a better decision. I have been trying to keep him inactive for a couple of days after the surgery but a puppy doesn't really want to spend all his time on the couch. If I don't take him out for a walk or to the park he will start doing hot laps around the house and come barreling at me full speed and smash into me; I prefer not having a 55 lb puppy come running at me full speed so I had to do something to get some of that energy out. He is such a lover and he is just the cutest little guy in the mornings, he hates to geto ut of bed and would love it if he oculd sleep till noon everyday, I basically have to drag him out of bed to go to the bathroom and then once we get inside he just hops back up on the bed lays on his back and begs for a little tummy rub.
Hopefully work will slow down enough for me to go to the fair and take some good pictures to post for you all to see.

My dog has been growing so fast and has become such a better dog after getting his balls cut off. I felt so guilty doing it and felt like a big meany the day I had to take him and drop him off at the vet but now I fell like I couldn't have made a better decision. I have been trying to keep him inactive for a couple of days after the surgery but a puppy doesn't really want to spend all his time on the couch. If I don't take him out for a walk or to the park he will start doing hot laps around the house and come barreling at me full speed and smash into me; I prefer not having a 55 lb puppy come running at me full speed so I had to do something to get some of that energy out. He is such a lover and he is just the cutest little guy in the mornings, he hates to geto ut of bed and would love it if he oculd sleep till noon everyday, I basically have to drag him out of bed to go to the bathroom and then once we get inside he just hops back up on the bed lays on his back and begs for a little tummy rub.
Hopefully work will slow down enough for me to go to the fair and take some good pictures to post for you all to see.

fuck yea take pics i wanna see!!!!
what does that gin joint where you work pay anyways?