So it seems like forever since I have posted a new blog. I had made my trip back to Iowa for a couple of weeks last time I posted. During my time back there my mom deceided we should do a road trip and we ended up driving to Yellowstone Park and stopping in South Dakota and stopping by Mount Rushmore on our way. I absolutely loved Mt. Rushmore, it was beautiful. I've got some pictures from the trip I will have to post later when I get a chance. I have been staying really busy with the job hunting. I have one funeral home I have to call back this morning and hopefully go in for an interview sometime today otr tomorrow. I need to start working asap, I need to get an apartment and get out of this house I am staying in in the mean time. This family is so screwed up I can't even begin to explain the bullshit that happens here, all I can say is I refuse to change a diaper of a 4 yr old. He will wear underwear for the most part of the day and then ask for a diaper when he has to take a shit, the mom doesn't seem t see anything wrong with this picture. Well that is really all I have to say for now. I will write more later and hopefully post some pics from my trip
Glad your trip was nice minus the diaper.
thanks for the sweet comment on my set sassy !