Well I think I am on week two, days run together without a job, I have had a total of three interviews so far and all have seem to go well. The first one that I had scheduled before I even got here went really well and they said that they would love to hire me but with the economy they aren't sure if they can do that at this point and it may be a few months. That being said it really does me no good I can't just sit around unemployeed for months. The second interview I went to I am not even sure how they got my number; I didn't send them a resume (that I can remember since I called so many) but it was a cremation society rather than a funeral home and I wouldn't be able to do any embalmings and I would never be able to get an embalmers license in California if that is the route I chose to take. He wanted me to come back for a second interview with his wife and another employee. He was talking about having me train in Redwood City and then buying a store front on the east bay and having me manage that location and be the sole employee out of that building. All I would do is removals and drive this big truck that holds 26 bodies at a time from SF to Stockton where they have their cooler that holds 300 bodies and their 3 million dollar crematory (very fancy). I declined the second interview though. Money wise it may have not been the best choice but I think that I would grow tired of the job quickley. I really need to be in a prep room and I decided I wasn't going to settle for anything less. Yesterday I went to a funeral home in Mountain View; I really liked the people there and they way the operate. They seem to really like me and said that I presented myself well and was very pleasant. I am the top candidate if they choose to hire someone but again because of the economy that might not be for a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks sounds better than a couple of months though. It gives me time to study for the exams I have to take since California is so screwy and doesn't recognize the National Confrence Exam. Also my friend Sam is coming to visit me in Arizona so it gives me time to take a little vacation and go back to AZ for a little bit plus I get to see Thanatogenous and how far she has come on her hula hooping skills. It sounds like she has gotten a lot farther than I and I should get my butt outside and start working on some tricks. Never fear the hoop .
I am heading back to Concord for the weekend because my cousins children (as well behaved as they are compared to some kids I have been around) I am still going to go fucking nuts. What I wouldn't give for a huge bong rip right now I am going to be a light weight again which is nice to get super ripped so easily. Plus if I do sneak away to smoke I get the munchies later and there is not a damn thing in this house that I would eat (besides the 40 lbs of fruit, thank god) they don't have anything normal, all organic, from the tooth paste they use to the cereal they eat, even ketchup is organic, what in the hell is wrong with Heinz ketchup? I can't even get a glass of cow milk only rice milk. I grew up on a farm I want some cow milk, and a steak (they don't eat red meat cause they love mammals). Well I am tired of rammbling so that is all for now.

If theres two things I love, Its Nintendo and Black cock.
dude... savage. its what I do. I fuck cock and tear pussy. its like a monster truck rally but with sexual organs.