things are good, i'm to busy studying and failing things to update as regularly as i like though. it's strange, i think i am studying more now then i usually do, but i'm failing way more often. i'll figure that one out later. on the plus side i took a trip to the american military base, and picked up a few things, namely a ton...
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well, once again it's been a while since i've updated. so here goes the abreviated version; birthday party for a japanese guy and we cooked delicious mother fucking cheeseburgers; went to the opening ceremony for a soka student festival, got a little weirded out; almost got (probably had) alcohol poisoning, got some puke on my suit pants, good shoes, and camera; had two days of...
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thats cause your a bitch face
Yo Joe whats going on my shizzle-fo-nizzle-bizzle-ryhm-skizzle? Damn thats fuckin long. Anyway its me Andrew stealing Leahs access again. Anyway that sucks what happened to you. Dude so Candylac is pretty freakin sweet lookin, I like her hair color is awesome and the tatoo on her right arm is crazy. So how goes the Japanese experience? Being in De sucks and thus far it has been one bad thing after another. You hear about my dad? I'm sure Leah mentioned it, we know in our minds things are gonna be ok with him. But yea its crazy. Oh yea you've heard of Mike Jones right? Damn Gina his music videos are funny as hell. ANyway back to the drawing board. Oh yea I'm making a cider beer, it should be done mid spring, I'll save u some.
well, it has been a while hasn't it? japan is quite a place, some days i can talk to people, other days i have no idea what's going on and i want to immediately return home, become a yoga teacher and live out my days with some silly bitch. but for now i think it would be great to become fluent in this japanese mess...
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I cant say I'm down with the French, but Bloodsport always has my vote, so deliciously terrible for everyone (not as bad as Kickboxer 5 mind you, but still bad). So, have the japanese ladies been infatuated with your long american hair and your rarge american penis? Try to stay focused when you can, culture shock is a bitch, resocialization and all that mumbo jumbo, but either way, just stay focused. Just do this, whenever you dont understand someone, just start singing the theme to Pee-Wee's Playhouse in your head over and over, until you finally realize that nothing matters because if you here Jombie go "Mekka Lekka Hi, Mekka Hidey Ho" one more damn time your gonna wanna yank your arm off and ram it up your ass just so you can focus on the pain rather than Pee-Wee...damn that was a long, gross rant. Anyways, e-mail me back, i need to know about the car about what we talked about before asap. Dont get the clap woadie.
i finally have internet again, after a week or so of having a non functioning internet i was getting kinda pissed, but now it's back and all good. had a 21st birthday, that was pretty cool. i got right fucked up at an all you can eat/drink place in hachioji, if you had asked me a year ago how i thought my 21st would go...
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hey if you have a cell phone why cant you call us bitch tits?
give me your cell phone number! i need someone to call when i am scared of zombies. And since you dont freakin have aim working. >_<

call call! i dont care if it costs 10 dollars per minute. jew.
its okay big guy, i'll keep that in mind when i use my 20$ calling card to call you jew bag. i didnt buy the card for my health either. = P
got a few japan photos up in the pics section, nani nani mother fuckers.
damn right that thing is teenie tiny. You must fit in perfectly with your pale complection, and your long blondish hair, and your 6'2" body, and your silly roundeyes. Nope, nothing out of the ordinary there...
hapy birthday!
well, we still haven't done that orientation stuff, everything got cancelled yesterday because of weather from a typhoon messin up southern japan. on the plus side though, we had a great dinner cooked up by the japanese kids on the floor yesterday. only 500 yen (roughly $5) for rice balls, crazy eggs and veggies, somen (noodles), chicken & veggies, pork and veggies and beer. it...
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then what is code for having sex with a black russian dude. Quick!!!!!!
wow, way to reply too late seeing as i raped a black russian 2 hours before your response. thanxxxxxx
so i made it to my new dorm here in ye olde japane, and it's been interesting so far. from the 13 hours of flying whilest being sick, to being brought into a room surrounded by like 20 japanese dudes (not a bukkake) and having to start talking in japanese to people. i got a japanese roomate, his name is iguchi, we call him igu...
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Joe! Thats so awesome,. Im so sorry you are sick. I told my japanese teacher Mark Miller that you wanted to stop by and say hi to him. He was like "OH! Joe !! That kid rocks, he deserves to go to japan he is a dedicated student". I was like "yea, he's awesome like that". you fag.
anyways, im glad to know you're safe and gay s hit like that. hope everything goes well, i will be putting up pictures very soon, me and tina just need to get the rest taken. love you joe.
later big guy
Hey big papa, miss ya already. Im sorry i got you sick and all that, i imagine having that with the combination of jet lag must eat wang-a-lang. Keep taking those pictures boy, i wanna see what your peoples and your room and area and shit is like. Ill try to throw up pics of all our goings out and happenings and Shinanigans and such. Im getting the clutch on your car adjusted as we speak, cause i dont wanna havta put my knee up to my ear to shift. Anyways bud, get back to me when ya can, and be safe. Dont go getting the aids, or buying a 13 year old prostitute, or getting involved in some kind of wacky businessman bukkake or something.
it just started to hit me now that i leave for japan on sunday... scary stuff. i still have so much to do and so many people to see, i guess we'll see how this goes.
were gonna miss ya woadie, it blowzers
yea, what he said.
i don't understand macs, but otakon was awesome.

[Edited on Aug 29, 2005 6:56PM]

this picture...allllmost makes me puke my pants.....wait...nevermind that almost part...gross
joe, this is what i think of your cat
i've been out of school since wednesday now, there's been wine, sex, chicken, movies, and world of warcraft; not all at the same time. now i'm just relaxing until my trip to baltimore next weekend and my system of a down/mars volta concert a few days after. not having to do anything is freakin sweet, only downside is that i still have no idea when...
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