man i'm pretty terrible at this blogging thing. i realized that when i saw that the last thing i posted was about a year ago... while drunk. i especially appreciate the terrible sporadic japanese thrown in the last post, gotta work on the attempt at a second language, still a long way to go.

Hallo, I m new **

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Kisses marie from costa rica

well, here i am at the tail end of a party for a fellow foreign exchange student (留学生) that is leaving, it makes me a bit sad that this italian (イタリァ人) is leaving, but i know with the friends that leave i will have good memories of them and good chances to see them. i may be able to move around the world, but there...
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once again it seems i have to begin an update with mentioning how long it's been since i've updated, but really who reads this stuff anyway? well here in japan every one is glued to the tv at 2 in the morning because the world cup is in full swing; and i realize how much america is out of the loop, the world loves football......
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with a long time wihout adding to the profile you would think i have a lot to say, but i guess i dont have that much. my japanese is still worse then it should be, im back from china and now im in japan (god i love japan so much more then china), im dating a brazillian (but dont know how long it can last...
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well the trips almost over, and some parts were great and some parts sucked. for example, the total of 23 hours of 3 days of the train rides, being awake all night in an uncomfortable train seat with chinese people pouring over you because they paid to ride the train but didnt pay for seats was horrible. blacking out in macau was kinda troublesome, but...
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note to self- check out panic at the disco. note to self 2 - i just remembered i dont like traveling and touristy bullshit, why am i in china for a month? still 20 days left....
Wow. That's pretty fucking bad.

But where's your best experience story?
bitch bitch bitch bitch thats all i hear boy. I'd give my left arm to tour China and see the shaolin temples, so park your vagina at the door and enjoy it nancy.

p.s. your boner makes me happy....
it's been a while, and it will continue to be a while, because now i'm off to china.
i passed my big kanji test... whoo! now it's winter break and the only thing on my schedule right now is splitting a big bottle of absinthe with deo. (delaware muther fuckers)
let me know how that goes for ya, i hear the stuff is interestingly fun

and this is what i do in lieu of studying?
el coche prpura con queso, stick that in your pipe and smoke it
the big lebowski + drinking white russians with a white russian= freakin sweet
i dont necessarily know about the fujiwara tofu shop logo, but i damn sure need a new akinda speedstar sticker, if you can find one of those in black, dear God send it out here pronto!
well then, it is updating time... thanksgiving dinner was replaced by all you can eat chinese food 9 stories above a train station. and my life is naught but drinking, studying, the occasional yoga, and reading misc. philosophy. it's not a bad life, but i can't say i don't have my complaints. though it could be worse, at least i know some of my friends...
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You're a goofy bastard! Oh well, now i must study for my part 1 japanese written test.

you bastard, i love/miss/want you punch you.
i do believe i will never understand the japanese. however i don't think it is just a language barrier i think it is something else. something here seems different, so different, it's almost like they don't understand anything they're doing. it's not something you can understand until you see what they do. it just doesn't feel right. when they use any kind of style from...
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Well thats a bit of a turn-a-round dont ya think spanky. How ya doin bud, i miss ya. Anyways how's life been aside from this little life-alterning epiphany? I plan to get a calling card sometime soon so i can actually call your ass. Lifes been pretty hectic as of late what with no money and my car refusing to sell and struggling in school with the accounting, and the new job, and all that shize, but aside from all that things are going awesome, hit me back, and if you could e-mail suzie's e-mail addy i'd love to have it, i want to try to keep in touch with her, so yeah...get on that biddy.
and oh yeah, i almost forgot......Alf rules.....he eats kitties.....and lives in the suburbs even though he's an alien....funny stuff