We'll I haven't been around much lately work and endless computer problems (I'm dumping this PC and getting a Mac real soon) are my only excuses so I hope they pacify the three or four people who read this.
We had been talking to builders but have nixed the idea and are going to stay put for a while so that crisis is over for now.
Got my dog fixed.
Figured out my kid loves Godzilla movies.
Almost went to second shift and have a job interview next week. A job change is in the air. I'm a mover and shaker.
That's about all from nerdsville
We had been talking to builders but have nixed the idea and are going to stay put for a while so that crisis is over for now.
Got my dog fixed.
Figured out my kid loves Godzilla movies.
Almost went to second shift and have a job interview next week. A job change is in the air. I'm a mover and shaker.
That's about all from nerdsville

Wen't shrimping last Sat. Only got about 4 dozen, our batteries died out around 11 or so. Too bad because they began running decent, albeit pretty deep, (3 ft or so)
Until I see you...keep your powder dry.