I did 4 birthday parties (one included bowling and tall tales), 1 breakfast w/Santa and a freaky Christmas party w/ the guy who won Jeopardy on Friday evening. All in two days.
It's a rocking time of year here in squaresville.
It's a rocking time of year here in squaresville.

Hope to see you soon, sorry I didn't make it up to the house this week.
I got to thinking that before I leave for NY, (21st) your brother and I should go "Christmas shopping" with you. Seeing we haven't done that in a few years.
Guess you've heard about a certain redhead and I hanging out togethor then huh.
She's great...what she sees in me I'm still at a lost but...
She's great.
You thought I was 6 foot? It must be my shoes. I think I'm still 5'9" but I drink alot of milk so maybe I grew.