Did anyone happen to see that Live 8 concert that went on this weekend? I didn't really know about it, but after it happened, there has been a surge of folks on the 'ol interweb that ripped every song from every performer in all of the like 90 countries.
For the most part, it's shit. Not the cause, just the performances.
The thing that stood out was the influx of good songs performed by mainstream artists. What do I mean? Check it:
Elton John - doing "Children of the Revolution" by TRex
Alicia Keys - doing "For All We Know" by Roberta Flack & Donnie Hathaway ( which is one of my Al time favorite love songs.
Pink Floyd Reunion - First time Roger Waters and David Gilmour have shared the stage in at least 20 + years (but didn't play any really old good songs)
Brian Wilson - always so rad, even after all that's happened to him.
Fairly stoked on those.
I caught myself up on SG Radio. I know what I'll be doing at midnight on Sundays. BEE thinks it's hard for her to meet people and get a date. I think she's fucking crazy.
Went to Silverlake to play a gig for The Stars Misplaced, filled in on bass for Maida (who's record I just recorded), when they came through town on tour. Going to be playing with my roommates band, The Entertainment Commiteewhich I also recorded) when they open for The Lovemakers in San Jose next month. Looks like I'm the new band slut / stand in. I'm also nearing the finish line on the current two projects I'm recording. The Implants are coming along really well, and the Clay Wheels only have some vocal dates left. I start on a new recording tonight, called Balloons. It should be actually a ton of fun. The band is comprised of 1 acoustic guitar playing singer, a french horn player, a baritone horn player, keys (Rhodes), and drums. I will then start recording MY record with PUNT. That should be interesting as well. I just don't want to start on it while I already have 3 projects going.
I bought a new bottle of Scotch to prepare me for my goal of shedding the hermit skin, and finding a nice girl to date.
5 things I bet you didn't know about me:
1. I always drive with the windows rolled down. Even if it's cold. There is nothing like the wind. nothing.
2. My favorite Ice Cream is sherbet. almost any kind. preferably raspberry or orange, anything but that horrid pina colada.
3. My favorite book is "Ham on Rye" by Charles Bukowski, followed by "Snowcrash" by Neil Stephenson, followed by "Me Learn Talk Pretty" by David Sedaris (mostly because it reminds me of someone)
4. My first commercial record label work was released two weeks ago. It will soon be followed next month by my second. Both mark the first time I've ever recorded and produced something. That's very near and dear to my lovely heart.
5. Despite the fact that I've been single for TWO years now, and am sarcastic as all get out, I'm still a helpless romantic.
It feels like every time I make it onto the site to poke around, there is some new features and functionality that make me smile and make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with things like Myspace that is like looking at a naked person with 3rd degree burns all over them, and then there is SG that's only worked on by a handful that work / look so damn good. A perpetual hats off.
For the most part, it's shit. Not the cause, just the performances.
The thing that stood out was the influx of good songs performed by mainstream artists. What do I mean? Check it:
Elton John - doing "Children of the Revolution" by TRex
Alicia Keys - doing "For All We Know" by Roberta Flack & Donnie Hathaway ( which is one of my Al time favorite love songs.
Pink Floyd Reunion - First time Roger Waters and David Gilmour have shared the stage in at least 20 + years (but didn't play any really old good songs)
Brian Wilson - always so rad, even after all that's happened to him.
Fairly stoked on those.
I caught myself up on SG Radio. I know what I'll be doing at midnight on Sundays. BEE thinks it's hard for her to meet people and get a date. I think she's fucking crazy.
Went to Silverlake to play a gig for The Stars Misplaced, filled in on bass for Maida (who's record I just recorded), when they came through town on tour. Going to be playing with my roommates band, The Entertainment Commiteewhich I also recorded) when they open for The Lovemakers in San Jose next month. Looks like I'm the new band slut / stand in. I'm also nearing the finish line on the current two projects I'm recording. The Implants are coming along really well, and the Clay Wheels only have some vocal dates left. I start on a new recording tonight, called Balloons. It should be actually a ton of fun. The band is comprised of 1 acoustic guitar playing singer, a french horn player, a baritone horn player, keys (Rhodes), and drums. I will then start recording MY record with PUNT. That should be interesting as well. I just don't want to start on it while I already have 3 projects going.
I bought a new bottle of Scotch to prepare me for my goal of shedding the hermit skin, and finding a nice girl to date.
5 things I bet you didn't know about me:
1. I always drive with the windows rolled down. Even if it's cold. There is nothing like the wind. nothing.
2. My favorite Ice Cream is sherbet. almost any kind. preferably raspberry or orange, anything but that horrid pina colada.
3. My favorite book is "Ham on Rye" by Charles Bukowski, followed by "Snowcrash" by Neil Stephenson, followed by "Me Learn Talk Pretty" by David Sedaris (mostly because it reminds me of someone)
4. My first commercial record label work was released two weeks ago. It will soon be followed next month by my second. Both mark the first time I've ever recorded and produced something. That's very near and dear to my lovely heart.
5. Despite the fact that I've been single for TWO years now, and am sarcastic as all get out, I'm still a helpless romantic.
It feels like every time I make it onto the site to poke around, there is some new features and functionality that make me smile and make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with things like Myspace that is like looking at a naked person with 3rd degree burns all over them, and then there is SG that's only worked on by a handful that work / look so damn good. A perpetual hats off.
congrats on the label work! *clap*
i'm moving to humboldt county next month. the gf's fam lives in the east bay; i'll come visit and buy *you* a drink next time!
oh yeah: what happened to that nifty hack of yours for getting rid of that hideous metal look in os x? does it work with 10.4.2? hmm?