It's been warm with light breezes lately. I had been going so fast for a while that I didn't take the time to take it in. That's kind of been my MO lately, "gotta go", and I've figured it out. It took me a while to get the rhythm down, but now things are just fine. I can hear booya! meowing to go out right now so that he, too, can take it in. He's really been digging that leash I picked up for him. It's our little "compromise". He has such an affinity to grass, that I don't dare deprive him of it.
I've developed "the itch". you know that thing that happens once you've been single for a while and cute women just come out of the woodwork and you can't help but swoon. It's so fucking exhausting and silly, and I can't help it, and it's on.
The Felony College of the Streets has been purchased from the former board of directors and now belongs to a guy that reminds me of "The Dude". This should really be an interesting month. I'm not scared that he's going to evict the campus, but it is a possibility. I really like all of the space and the fact that I can have a recording studio in my house and for none of us to feel crowded is great, but I remember what I was like to live alone, and I seem to remember it being rad.
Punt has his shoulder back. He's been playing drums again now for a couple of weeks, and all is cool. Rob might be moving to san francisco, so that's an interesting thought.
For as much time as I spend in front of a computer, I rarely can do it for recreation. I've wondered if it's a universal theme, this ironic theory that what you do for a living is what you're lacking in your private. i.e. Do all mechanics spend so much time on other peoples cars that they themselves prance around in beaters that might not even run very well. I.e. Do all dentists really have that bad of teeth? (mine always have).
I took off for five days to Nebraska to see a lot of my family. It was wonderful. My family unit has always been small. Outside of my immediate family, consisting of one sister and ma and pa, I only see them on like 10 year cycles. I often think about how that translates to me and how I don't really feel connected to a lineage. At almost 30, I'm hearing stories from uncles, hell, great uncles, that I'm hearing for the first time. It's priceless at the same time that it's sad. These are great stories. Stories that have you laughing for hours. Stories that have killed it since the 70's. Catching up with older relatives that until now, I couldn't even relate to. That is the priceless shit that I wonder if I'm lacking after all this time. I found out the following four pieces of information about the "fam":
1. my great uncle bill used to work for the mob back in NY and that's where he met Gene.
2. Sugar (or Roger), my uncle, is still the funniest man on the planet, and still is the spitting image of Santa Claus.
3. all of the cousins are one year apart: 26,27,28,29,30,31 and almost all of our birthdays are in Oct.
4. I am now privy to Bohemian Horseshoes
This is what i've been up to,
i'll be right back.
I've developed "the itch". you know that thing that happens once you've been single for a while and cute women just come out of the woodwork and you can't help but swoon. It's so fucking exhausting and silly, and I can't help it, and it's on.
The Felony College of the Streets has been purchased from the former board of directors and now belongs to a guy that reminds me of "The Dude". This should really be an interesting month. I'm not scared that he's going to evict the campus, but it is a possibility. I really like all of the space and the fact that I can have a recording studio in my house and for none of us to feel crowded is great, but I remember what I was like to live alone, and I seem to remember it being rad.
Punt has his shoulder back. He's been playing drums again now for a couple of weeks, and all is cool. Rob might be moving to san francisco, so that's an interesting thought.
For as much time as I spend in front of a computer, I rarely can do it for recreation. I've wondered if it's a universal theme, this ironic theory that what you do for a living is what you're lacking in your private. i.e. Do all mechanics spend so much time on other peoples cars that they themselves prance around in beaters that might not even run very well. I.e. Do all dentists really have that bad of teeth? (mine always have).
I took off for five days to Nebraska to see a lot of my family. It was wonderful. My family unit has always been small. Outside of my immediate family, consisting of one sister and ma and pa, I only see them on like 10 year cycles. I often think about how that translates to me and how I don't really feel connected to a lineage. At almost 30, I'm hearing stories from uncles, hell, great uncles, that I'm hearing for the first time. It's priceless at the same time that it's sad. These are great stories. Stories that have you laughing for hours. Stories that have killed it since the 70's. Catching up with older relatives that until now, I couldn't even relate to. That is the priceless shit that I wonder if I'm lacking after all this time. I found out the following four pieces of information about the "fam":
1. my great uncle bill used to work for the mob back in NY and that's where he met Gene.
2. Sugar (or Roger), my uncle, is still the funniest man on the planet, and still is the spitting image of Santa Claus.
3. all of the cousins are one year apart: 26,27,28,29,30,31 and almost all of our birthdays are in Oct.
4. I am now privy to Bohemian Horseshoes
This is what i've been up to,
i'll be right back.
now i see what you're a stand-up guy. you're a product of the midwest!
i need some duder time.