Tuesday May 17, 2005 May 17, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email t-minus 3 days until launch of reality. VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS aurora_b_alice: Hey, how's stuff??!! I'm in L.A.!!!! I develop game concepts for Disney!!!! I can go to Disneyland for free with 3 friends whenever I want!!!! Isn't this exciting?!!! I think I've used my exclamation point quota for the year in this post. Don't you feel honored? Give me a ring if you swing by this area. [Edited on Jun 03, 2005 6:52PM] Jun 3, 2005 liquidflorian: Hey, how have you been? Jun 9, 2005
I'm in L.A.!!!!
I develop game concepts for Disney!!!!
I can go to Disneyland for free with 3 friends whenever I want!!!!
Isn't this exciting?!!!
I think I've used my exclamation point quota for the year in this post. Don't you feel honored? Give me a ring if you swing by this area.
[Edited on Jun 03, 2005 6:52PM]