Wednesday February 16th 2005 3:39am.
I just finished the rough mixes for the new Maida record. Project complete. I have to say i'm really proud of how it turned out. We go to LA to mix it around mid March. Punt's gonna come down with me and see some old friends, make some new ones.
Now we've got the drum kit mic'd for my roommates band "The Entertainment". They are going to play with the Lovemakers here soon in San Jose. You should come out.
I'm finally getting to sleep and taking care of my personal life. Bills are the story of my life. I'd so be a hippy and live in a commune if the whole crazy, smelly, earthy baggage didn't come along with it.
I've been listening to music different lately. When I was just a player/writer, i'd listen to music and enjoy based on the content of the music. Production value didn't ruin or make anything sound radder. Now that i've been recording, i've been listening to the music sonically. It's had it's good and bad moments. The worst is when I realized that I liked a song being played on VH1 by Kelly Clarkson. Yeah, tell me about it.
Since I don't get on here often, i'd like to submit a synopsis of my life as of late:
Fell in love with Erik Satie and Kaki King, for different reasons
My friend, and art student, cut my hair and dyed it. First time that I've ever had my hair cut by someone other than whoever happens to be working at supercuts that day.
I've been writing songs on the acoustic lately. Gotta get a new band together with Punt.
I am a night owl once again.
I spent Valentines day alone again, and didn't feel depressed at all.
This is the delema:
I put everything into music. I spend all my time writing / recording / playing / enjoying music. That being said, it's extremely hard to find rad women to date. I hermit, therefore I don't meet. If I do meet one, they are turned off by my lack of time and attention. I guess women just don't feel special if you don't give them all of your attention.
Either way, the fact that I'm not seeing anyone doesn't make me feel alone. Sometimes I feel lonely, like I don't have anyone to share radness with, but not in a desperation / longing sort of way. I'm content with being single, but everyone needs a little love sometimes.
The bedside pacifist, last of the bed made activists.
I just finished the rough mixes for the new Maida record. Project complete. I have to say i'm really proud of how it turned out. We go to LA to mix it around mid March. Punt's gonna come down with me and see some old friends, make some new ones.
Now we've got the drum kit mic'd for my roommates band "The Entertainment". They are going to play with the Lovemakers here soon in San Jose. You should come out.
I'm finally getting to sleep and taking care of my personal life. Bills are the story of my life. I'd so be a hippy and live in a commune if the whole crazy, smelly, earthy baggage didn't come along with it.
I've been listening to music different lately. When I was just a player/writer, i'd listen to music and enjoy based on the content of the music. Production value didn't ruin or make anything sound radder. Now that i've been recording, i've been listening to the music sonically. It's had it's good and bad moments. The worst is when I realized that I liked a song being played on VH1 by Kelly Clarkson. Yeah, tell me about it.
Since I don't get on here often, i'd like to submit a synopsis of my life as of late:
Fell in love with Erik Satie and Kaki King, for different reasons
My friend, and art student, cut my hair and dyed it. First time that I've ever had my hair cut by someone other than whoever happens to be working at supercuts that day.
I've been writing songs on the acoustic lately. Gotta get a new band together with Punt.
I am a night owl once again.
I spent Valentines day alone again, and didn't feel depressed at all.
This is the delema:
I put everything into music. I spend all my time writing / recording / playing / enjoying music. That being said, it's extremely hard to find rad women to date. I hermit, therefore I don't meet. If I do meet one, they are turned off by my lack of time and attention. I guess women just don't feel special if you don't give them all of your attention.
Either way, the fact that I'm not seeing anyone doesn't make me feel alone. Sometimes I feel lonely, like I don't have anyone to share radness with, but not in a desperation / longing sort of way. I'm content with being single, but everyone needs a little love sometimes.
The bedside pacifist, last of the bed made activists.
he is risen!
anyway, you going to be around this weekend?