this weekend I travel to the depths of Los Angeles. If you happen to be around why don't you come out and watch my first solo performance, ever. It will be an improvisational loop based performance to go along with the theme of the night.
It's a Night of Music and Poetry @ the West Grand theatre in San Pedro california.
It'll be good to get away from the house. I've been recording The Northeast for a month straight, now, with no break, besides Thanksgiving. It takes alot out of a dude. It feels more like a big brother job than a recording project. I think I kinda like that. I always wanted four little brothers with lots of little friends that drink the whiskey and get really drunk.
It's almost like i'm the RA of a college dorm. go figure.
Maybe this will keep me from becoming an old crotch, then again, maybe not.
It's a Night of Music and Poetry @ the West Grand theatre in San Pedro california.
It'll be good to get away from the house. I've been recording The Northeast for a month straight, now, with no break, besides Thanksgiving. It takes alot out of a dude. It feels more like a big brother job than a recording project. I think I kinda like that. I always wanted four little brothers with lots of little friends that drink the whiskey and get really drunk.
It's almost like i'm the RA of a college dorm. go figure.
Maybe this will keep me from becoming an old crotch, then again, maybe not.

I really want to set up a studio. I have a digi 002 and some outboard gear I use in my apartment. I have recorded a couple of demos with my band at our practice space. My dream is to be able to do audio engineering for real and ditch my office lackey job...
It would be great if you could go for engineering full time. I gather you have learned most of your recording skill on your own?