soooo tired. I've been burning every candle at every end. I love it.
So an interesting thing happened. A friend of my roommate came over and loved the studio in the house. He's bringing up members of Junior Senior to record a soul record at the house. Second week in February. Sound rad. I've been waiting for the Motown sound to make a comeback.
Back to vocals tonight. Sometimes I feel bad, These guys that i'm recording are only 19-20 and have only been a band for 8 months or so. For that, they are so brilliant, i'm stoked to be working with them. At the same time, the vocalist isn't confident, nor sure of the direction that he wants to take the vocals. I've always been a kind of guy that hears something and instantly starts playing off of it. So when we listen to the mixes back, and he shows me the lyrics, I just start winging some shit. He's been digging the melody and vocal inflection that I've been getting at, so we've been going with alot of my ideas for the vocals on his record.
This is my concern. I don't want to change the way these guys sound. I've got decent ideas, but i'd like it to be more suggestive, than collaborative. I already ended up playing rhodes on a couple of songs, and I don't want to end up plastered all over someone else's record.
Got to work on that tonight.
Tomorrow, I think it's time to go to some thrift shops for sweaters, scarves, and maybe a warm hat-thingy.
what are you up to this weekend?
So an interesting thing happened. A friend of my roommate came over and loved the studio in the house. He's bringing up members of Junior Senior to record a soul record at the house. Second week in February. Sound rad. I've been waiting for the Motown sound to make a comeback.
Back to vocals tonight. Sometimes I feel bad, These guys that i'm recording are only 19-20 and have only been a band for 8 months or so. For that, they are so brilliant, i'm stoked to be working with them. At the same time, the vocalist isn't confident, nor sure of the direction that he wants to take the vocals. I've always been a kind of guy that hears something and instantly starts playing off of it. So when we listen to the mixes back, and he shows me the lyrics, I just start winging some shit. He's been digging the melody and vocal inflection that I've been getting at, so we've been going with alot of my ideas for the vocals on his record.
This is my concern. I don't want to change the way these guys sound. I've got decent ideas, but i'd like it to be more suggestive, than collaborative. I already ended up playing rhodes on a couple of songs, and I don't want to end up plastered all over someone else's record.
Got to work on that tonight.
Tomorrow, I think it's time to go to some thrift shops for sweaters, scarves, and maybe a warm hat-thingy.
what are you up to this weekend?