wow, last night was a zinger. Drove home from the city around 3:30am. Got to bed about 4:30, got up around 9, and i don't feel half bad.
Ain't no party like an SGSF party, cause an SGSF party don't stop.
if folding me in half like it's doctors orders
make eyes, like shine, I see through like a shard of glass
it's taken me so long, i just can't remember
a faithful look at night on a winters day.
Ain't no party like an SGSF party, cause an SGSF party don't stop.
if folding me in half like it's doctors orders
make eyes, like shine, I see through like a shard of glass
it's taken me so long, i just can't remember
a faithful look at night on a winters day.
but the thing is rad, i love it so far.