for some reason I seem to be sitting on the fence a lot. I'm usually one to make up my mind and stick with it, but recently i've been so damn indecisive. This can't be good. oh well, Wanna know what?, i'm happy about a new instrument. I recently purchased a Sitar and I can't wait for it to arrive. I've already got plans for that thing. I'm gonna need to learn how to play it quick.
Punt and I have started back on finishing the studio, given that we're gonna be here for the next 6 months. Got a couple of bands to record, so I need to get the room done, quick. Maybe it's time for Punt and I to record the Grace cover record. Good as time as ever.
I need to get out and see my SGSF friends. It's been so few and far between with getting to the city, and i'm not liking it at all.
Punt and I are looking for a new roommate. We live in downtown san jose in a really nice two story house. It might sound creepy, but I think we're looking for a girl. We need someone who can fit into our family and not some douchebag off the street with douchebag friends that will ruin what we've got going. Give us a holler. (ok, guys too)
Punt and I have started back on finishing the studio, given that we're gonna be here for the next 6 months. Got a couple of bands to record, so I need to get the room done, quick. Maybe it's time for Punt and I to record the Grace cover record. Good as time as ever.
I need to get out and see my SGSF friends. It's been so few and far between with getting to the city, and i'm not liking it at all.
Punt and I are looking for a new roommate. We live in downtown san jose in a really nice two story house. It might sound creepy, but I think we're looking for a girl. We need someone who can fit into our family and not some douchebag off the street with douchebag friends that will ruin what we've got going. Give us a holler. (ok, guys too)

ok, i'll put you on the guest list. you can get your communique' pillowcases autographed backstage.