Note to self:
Next time you crack open thai peppers with your hands, don't go right ahead and rub your eyes. HOLY SHIT IT BURNS.
This was supposed to be a good day. For the first time in years, i've been listening to Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin. I'm in it mostly for the Sonatas. I don't know what's got into me.
I did get a phone call from the mastering house, the record is almost done. On the same note, i finished framing the studio and hung the last door last night. Having to relocate hinges on a pre-hung door sucks major flaccid penis.
I need a good time, Who wants to show the Mule a good time?
Next time you crack open thai peppers with your hands, don't go right ahead and rub your eyes. HOLY SHIT IT BURNS.
This was supposed to be a good day. For the first time in years, i've been listening to Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin. I'm in it mostly for the Sonatas. I don't know what's got into me.
I did get a phone call from the mastering house, the record is almost done. On the same note, i finished framing the studio and hung the last door last night. Having to relocate hinges on a pre-hung door sucks major flaccid penis.
I need a good time, Who wants to show the Mule a good time?

Hmmm, that sounds good, maybe I need to get out there again sometime soon.
Uuumm...yeah that pepper thing. It sucks. I usually wear gloves, or put plastic baggies over my hands when I'm dealing with chile.